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1.—Shall we go out for a walk?


A.Good idea. B.Good luck. C.Have fun. D.Good bye.




考查交际用语。句意:——我们去散步吧?——好主意!A. Good idea好主意;B. Good luck! 祝你好运;C. Have fun你玩得开心;D. Good bye再见。根据语境收到一块去散步的邀请,应该是接受,Good idea是接受邀请之意。故选A。



2.— Shall we stay at home or go fishing?

— ______.

A.That’s not the point.B.So what?

C.Oh, come on! D.It’s up to you.




考查情景交际。A. That’s not the point.那不是重点;B. So what? 那又怎么样;C. Oh, come on!加油;D. It’s up to you.完全由你决定。句意:——我们是呆在家里还是去钓鱼?——完全由你决定。结合句意可知答案为D。

3.﹣It really annoys me when a person's cell phone goes off during a movie?

﹣Yeah, me too. It really _________.

A.costs me an arm and a leg B.gets on my nerves

C.beats my brains out D.pulls my legs



试题分析:考查交际用语和谚语。谚语:It really costs me an arm and a leg。它真是太贵了。 It really gets on my nerves它让我心神不宁。beats my brains out绞尽脑汁;pulls my legs 开玩笑,愚弄我;句意:—看电影时,有人手机响起来,真让我生气。—是的,我也一样。它让我心神不宁。根据句意可知B项正确。


4.—Are you going to Tom’s birthday party?

— ________ .I might have to work.

A.It depends B.Thank you

C.Sounds great D.Don’t mention it






5.---Shall we go for a picnic this Saturday?

---_____________. Will next Saturday be OK?

A.Sure,it's up to you B.Sure,it's no problem

C.Sorry,I can't make it D.Sorry,I'm not available today



C。解析:句意:---这个周六野炊好吗?--对不起,我去不了,下周六可以吗?由Will next Saturday be OK?可知,这周六去不了。A当然,你来决定;B当然,没问题;C对不起,我去不了;D对不起,今天我没空。根据题意选C。

6.—I love the film “Aquaman” and the heroine, Mera, in particular.

—________. Don’t you think the violence in it goes too far?

A.That’s not the p oint B.I beg to differ

C.I feel the same way D.I can’t agree more




考查情景交际。句意:——我喜欢电影《海王》,尤其是女主角米拉。——恕我不敢苟同,你不认为其中的暴力太过分了吗?A. That’s not the point这不是重点;B. I beg to differ 恕我不敢苟同;C. I feel the same way我也有同样的感觉;D. I can’t agree more再同意不过了。根据答语“Don’t you think the violence in it goes too far?”可知,第二人不同意第一人的观点,故B项正确。


情景交际的难度较大,除了解个选项的意思外,抓住答语的暗示也很重要,例如本题,根据答语“Don’t you think the violence in it goes too far?”可知,第二人不喜欢电影《海王》,四项中只有B项I beg to differ(恕我不敢苟同)表示不同意别人的观点,故B项正确。

7.-Only ten minutes?It only took you ten minutes to walk there?

-___________. So I managed to attend the meeting.
