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1.—I'm sorry I'm late again.


B.Don't mention it

C.Never mind

D.It depends

A.You are welcome

2.—Let's go to the Blue Lagoon.The soft music makes me relaxed.

—.It makes me sleepy.


C.Not me

D.Let me see

A.Bless me

3.—You look so tired after working long hours.Why not just take a rest?


B.It just depends

C.You don't know

D.I can't tell you A.Maybe I should

4.—You didn't get hurt at all in the snowstorm?

—.I was a lucky dog.

B.I don't think so

C.I'm afraid not

D.Good heavens

A.No problem

5.—I enjoy Chinese food very much.


B.Have more,please A.Please taste quickly

C.Help yourself

D.Eat slowly,while it is hot

6.—Would you mind if I played the violin here?


A.No,you won't

B.No,do as you please

C.Yes,I do not mind

D.Yes,do as you please

7.—What do you think of the play?

—.I have seen it twice.

A.You can't praise the play too highly so

B.It's just so—

C.You can't praise the play highly

D.Don't mention it

8.—Did you go Dutch after that meal,I mean,with the other five friends? —.

B.Yes,they paid for the meal

A.Yes,they did

C.No,they didn't

D.No,because it was my treat that day

9.—The moon cake is really delicious.Can I have another piece?

A.You can.

B.Behave yourself.

C.Be my guest!

D.Do it yourself.

10.—Pardon me,sir.And is it time for us to set off now?

—.We'll have to wait for one more hour.

B.That's all right A.Certainly,it is

C.Sorry,it's too long

D.Sorry,I am afraid not

11.—I have just narrowly passed my exam.I feel so relieved now.


B.That's all right

C.What a pity

D.Well done

A.Cheer up

12.—So,Nancy,you had no difficulty finding your way here?


B.No,none at all A.Yes,no difficulty at all

no problem

,C.Yes D.Nonsense

13.—The terrible earthquake made 15 million people homeless.


B.I agree with you

C.It's OK

D.That's the case A.Certainly

14. A hurricane swept through my village.Just as we were beginning to lose hope,it suddenly stopped.

It is really“”.

A.All's well that ends well

B.Lightning never strikes twice in the same place

C.It never rains but it pours

D.A friend in need is a friend indeed

15.—I really don't know how to thank you enough.


B.Think nothing of it

A.No problem

C.With pleasure

D.Glad to hear that

16.—Let's go and have a good drink tonight.

—Have you got the first prize in the competition?

B.Thanks a lot.

C.Yes.I'd like to.

D.Why not?

A.What for?

17.—Do you think I should join the singing group,Mary?

—If I were in your shoes,I certainly would.
