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Process design of ethylene oxide with annual

output of 30kt


摘要:.................................................................................................................................... I Abstract:.......................................................................................................................... II 引言.. (1)

第一章工艺概述 (1)

1.1 环氧乙烷的性质 (1)

1.1.1 环氧乙烷的物理性质 (1)

1.1.2 环氧乙烷的化学性质 (2)

1.2 环氧乙烷在国民经济中的地位和作用 (2)

1.3 环氧乙烷在国内外的发展动向 (2)

1.3.1 生产技术 (2)

1.3.2 技术发展动向 (3)

1.4 环氧乙烷的市场需求状况 (3)

1.5 生产方法的评述及选择 (4)

1.5.1 氯醇法 (4)

1.5.2 直接氧化法 (4)

1.6 环氧乙烷的生产原理 (5)

1.6.1 氧化反应原理 (5)

1.6.2二氧化碳脱除原理 (5)

1.7 设计方案简介 (6)

1.8 生产中注意事项 (9)

第二章物料衡算 (11)

2.1 物性数据 (11)

2.2设计依据 (11)

2.3 循环系统的物料衡算 (12)

2.3.1 计算依据 (12)

2.3.2混合器 (13)

2.3.3 反应器 (16)

第三章热量衡算 (18)

3.1 反应器的热量衡算 (18)

第四章设备计算 (22)

4.1 反应器设备计算 (22)

4.2 确定氧化反应器的基本尺寸 (22)

4.3 床层压力降的计算 (23)

4.4 传热面积的核算 (23)

4.5 反应器塔径的确定 (24)

4.6 环氧乙烷吸收塔的确定 (24)

4.7 CO2吸收塔的确定 (25)

结论 (26)

致谢................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。参考文献 (26)

附录 (31)

附录A 工艺流程图 (31)

附录B 设备图 (31)




Process design of ethylene oxide with annual

output of 30kt

Abstract:The process of ethylene oxide with annual output of 30,000 tons was designed in this paper. The process design of this essay introduced the epoxy ethane's properties, main uses, production situation, and point out the position and role of the epoxy ethane in national economy environment, in the main while it is analysis the industrial production method and development trend of epoxy ethane in the future. In this essay it is carefully compare many production methods and finally to choose the oxygen direct oxidation process method in the production of epoxy ethane with ethylene. And it is also describes the production principle and the production process. The material balance carries on the main equipment such as mixer, reactor and so

on.Then carry on the heat balance of epoxy ethane reactor equipment. And make the detailed calculating and checking of the epoxy ethane reactor equipment. Then make sure the operating parameters, decide the equipment type, and use of CAD drawing of the corresponding process flow diagram, at last to obtain the device parameters .

Key words : epoxyethane; process; reactor; material balance
