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2015-02-01 12:51:03| 分类:english 阅读|字号订阅

Do you often feel tired in the morning even though y ou’ve been in bed for seven or ei ght hours the night before? Like many people, you are not sleeping as much as you think you are. In other words, your sleep efficiency is not that good.简而言之,你的睡眠质量不够高

Sleep experts define“sleep efficiency”as the perce ntage of time lying down that you are actually sleep ing.睡眠专家对于“睡眠效率”的定义是真正睡眠时间占你躺在床上时间的比例

According to explanatory解释journalism新闻

学website , the science of sleep efficiency is still young关于睡眠质量的研究起步较晚. There is no specific number for efficiency that’s been proven as linked to poor hea lth目前,尚无具体比例说明(多低的)睡眠效率将会有害健

康.However, according to a New York Times report about sleep quality, some expert s estimate a rough ballpark 大致正确

的of 85 percent or above as a decent体面的,正派的,得体的

place to be.一切专家认为如果想要保持良好的状态,这一比例约为85%或者更高

Besides avoiding caffeine intake after lunch and refraining抑制,克

制from doing physical exercise before bed除了午餐后不摄入咖啡因,睡前避免体育运动之

外, here are more tips for improving sleep efficiency,curated 策

划from news website Vox andQuartz.

Avoid blue light at night

Short wavelength blue light,emitted 发

射by the sun and by the screens of computers, iPad s and smartphones, stops production of the sleep-induc ing hormone melatonin 荷尔蒙褪黑色

素and makes you feel more alert警觉的.来自太阳光,电脑屏幕,平板电脑或者手机屏幕的短波长蓝光都会抑制促进睡眠的褪黑色素产生,让你毫无睡

意Blue light tells your brain it’s da ytime蓝光让你的大脑误以为是白

天. Experts suggest turning off your computers and smartphones one hour or at least 30 minutes before bed. You can also try installing apps that can filter blue light on you r devices过滤掉蓝光的

app. Both F.lux for computer and Bluelight Filter for Android phones work fine.

Keep a consistent sleep schedule保持相同的入睡与起床时间

Go to bed and wake up at the same time, or relativ ely the same time, every day. 每天最好在同一时间入睡和起床,至少保持相对的一

致性Avoid binge狂欢,沉

溺sleeping on the weekend. Consistency is key to a good night’s sleep, especially when

it comes to waking up. When you have a consistent wake-up time, your brain acclimates 顺应,使适应新的环境to this and moves through the sleep cycle in preparation在准备

中for you to feel rested and alert at your wake-up time因为固定的睡眠时间,尤其是固定的清醒时间正是好睡眠的关键,当你拥有固定的睡眠时间时,你的大脑就会形成习惯,在入睡前为进入睡眠状态做好准备,在醒来时回复清醒

.Roughly an hour before you wake, hormone levels increase gradually (along with your bod y temperature and blood pressure), causing you to become more alert.

Take naps眯一会儿

One of the biggest peaks in melatonin production happens during the 1 to 3 pm time fram e,which explains why most people feel sleepy in the afternoon褪黑色素产生的高峰是在每天下午1点到3点,这也是为什么大部分人会在下午时感到

困. If you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, you’re likely going to feel an overwh elming desire to sleep完全被周公打

败in the afternoon. When this happens, you’re better off taking a short nap (less than 30 minutes) than resorting to caffeine or strong tea to keep you awake这时,你最好的选择就是小眯一会儿(半小时以内),它比喝咖啡浓茶的效果更

好. A short nap will give you the rest you need to get through the rest of the aftern oon, and you’ll sleep much better in the evening than if you drink caffeine or take a long afternoon nap.

