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10.1.2 complex prepositions (复杂介词、多词介词) (pp244-245)
complex prepositions vs. free prepositional

Complex prepositions: unalterable Free prepositional phrase: alterable
10.2.1 prepositions relating to place a. at, on and in (p248)
1) Peter is at / in school. 2) Peter is in the school. 1) → as a student 2) →as an inspector, a visitor, etc. 3) Peter is at Cambridge. 4) Peter is in Cambridge. 3) → as a student 4) → as a resident, a visitor, etc. In / on a bus, train, ship, etc. ※But in is preferred with closed vehicles. e.g. He came in a car. Did you come on foot or on a horse?
10.2.1 prepositions relating to place a. at, on and in (p248)
In, on and at can be used with the same noun: e.g. 1) I’d prefer to put my desk at the window. 2) A face appeared in the window. 3) The boy pressed his face on the window. In 1): at →similar to by, beside, near, etc. (may indicate the intention to use the window for a purpose) In 2): in →refers to a framed area In 3): on →refers to the glass surface
10.2.1 prepositions relating to place
b. over, above, under and below (p250) ※ over / above: near synonymes under / below: near synonymes Above / below→ a higher / lower position or level Over / under → a vertical relationship = directly above / directly below e.g. The lamp hung over / above the table. She leant over the river to see her reflection [.in the water. The cat is lying under the table. He waited below the window until she opened it and spoke to him.
10wenku.baidu.com2.1 prepositions relating to place
a. at, on and in (p248) ※ when used in the locative sense: at → is associated with a point (used with names of places which are considered as points) e.g. This coach doesn’t go to London. You will have to change at Reading. (in this sentence, at indicates a town as being a spot of a map) in → an area or the volume of sth. e.g. She has lived in Bath for twenty years. (the town consisting of houses, streets, etc. / contrast being inside this area with being outside→ Use in) in → used for large territories: e.g. In China / Europe / world
10.2.1 prepositions relating to place b. over, above, under and below (p250)
※ over /under, NOT above/ below can introduce something that covers something else e.g. He kept his coat over his shoulder. He hid his gun under the pillow. Other related prepositions: Underneath More formal than under, beneath less commonly used
e.g. complex preposition: in spite of On spite of / in spite with In evident spite of Free prepositional phrases: on the desk by (the window) under the desk by the window on the desk near the window on the big desk by the window

10.2. Meanings of preposition Mainly relate people or things in place or in time spatial locations 空间位置 directions方向 temporal (of time) positions时间位置 durations持续时间 cause原因 purpose目的 manner方式 instrument手段 figurative uses比喻
10.2.1 prepositions relating to place a. at, on and in (p248)
on → a line or the surface of sth. e.g. She is walking dangerously on the rope. (line) London is situated on the River Thames. (line) You may hang the picture on the wall. (surface)
10.1.2 complex prepositions (复杂介词、多词介词) (pp244-245)
in practice, a complex preposition is not always as frozen solid. Complex prepositions In spite of on behalf of – on his behalf in defense of – in his defense – in the defense of – in his stubborn defense of In front of- in the front of – at the front of – on the east front of the building … In the desk by (the window) Free prepositional phrases ※All the components are variable according to context ※A lot of indetermined cases lie in the middle
10.1. Forms of preposition 10.1.1 simple prepositions simple preposition constitutes a closed class There is overlap between prepositions and adverbs; prepositions and conjunctions. refer to p243
10.1. Forms of preposition
10.1.2 complex prepositions (复杂介词、多词 介词) partially closed word class consist of two, three, even four words The boundary between simple and complex preposition is not absolutely clear. e.g. into: a one-word preposition (simple prep.) on to: two words, but sometimes merged into one Refer to p.244-245
10.2.1 Prepositions relating to place Use preposition to indicate space (spatial relations): Indicate the place where someone or something is (stative use of preposition) --- Most of the prepositions can be used in the stative sense or the place where an action occurs (dynamic use of preposition) --- only a few are dynamic only ※A list of prepositions commonly used to denote spatial relations (p248)
Chapter 10
Preposition and Prepositional Phrase
通过对介词的结构、意义和用法的分析,进一 步熟悉介词和用好介词: 介词的用法辨异 介词与名词、动词和形容词的搭配
10.0 Introduction
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Closed word class Form: either simple (one word) or complex (more than one word) Syntactic function: a postmodifier in a noun phrase, e.g. a woman in white an adverbial, e.g. I get up early in the morning. a complement, e.g. I’m very grateful for your help. Usually meaningful in its own right, but sometime meaningless in a fixed collocation Most of the collocations are idiomatic.