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Attention: Two predeterminers or two central determiners can’t co-occur, while two postdeterminers can co-occur.
4.1.3 Usage of some determiners: (pp78-81) (1) all and whole All can modify all kinds of nouns: singular / plural countable nouns; mass nouns and even proper nouns. All and whole are near synonyms, in spite of their grammatical differences: e.g. They stayed here all day. (=…the whole day) All the town were celebrating the victory that night. (= The whole town…)
4.1.1 Functions of determiners
Some determiners, such as some and all, can be either identifiers or quantifiers depending on the context. e.g. You’ll understand my warning some day. (indefinite identifier) There are some trees in the garden (indefinite quantifier). All the windows are closed (definite identifier or definite quantifier depending on the question Which one…? Or How many…? to which it may be an answer.)
Determiners and adjectives are different in many ways(p74-75) (1) Determiners usually precede adjectives in premodification; × e.g. a nice man / nice a man (2) The choice of determiners is often determined by the head word but not that of adjectives(限定词的选择受名词中 心词的限制); e.g. a / the / these good man × a / the / these good men ×
4.1.3 Usage of some determiners: (pp78-81) all and whole: differences (3)

Notice the grammatical difference when they modify a proper noun that is a name of a place: (identify the correct sentences) e.g. All Newcastle was excited at the news. The whole Newcastle was excited at the news. × Whole Newcastle was excited at the news× The whole of Newcastle was excited at the news.

4.1.2 Co-occurrence of determiners(限定词的搭配): Predeterminer + Central determiner + Postdeterminer Key words for each group: (p77) Predeterminer: all, both, half, double, twice, three times, one-third, two-thirds, etc., what, such a(an), many
4.1.3 Usage of some determiners: (pp78-81)
all and whole: differences (1) When modifying a plural noun: e.g. She would work twelve hours a day all the years when she was at Cambridge. (All suggests the inclusion of all the members指所有成员, which is somewhat =every.)
Determiners and adjectives are different in many ways(p74-75)
(4) Adjectives can postmodify the head word, but not determiners (except enough); e.g. people old and young Books ancient and modern People many or few× (5) Adjectives have comparative forms形容 词有比较级,而限定词没有 (除 few, little, many and much外).
4.1.1 Functions of determiners(pp75-76) determiners are generally either identifiers or quantifiers, each of which may have either definite reference or indefinite reference. e.g. There is a house in the middle of the street. (indefinite identifier) The house stands in the middle of the street (definite identifier) Would you like some tea? (indefinite quantifier) Give me three hours and I can get the work done. (definite quantifier)
Whole regiments surrendered to the enemy. (→ the completeness or entirety of each individual group.指整体) 全团向敌人投降了。
4.1.3 Usage of some determiners: (pp78-81)
all and whole: differences (2)

When modifying a noun that represent a place, all usually refers to all the people living in that place指生活在此的所有的人; Whole may refer to all its residents or to the place itself as a whole depending on the context.指所有居民或指这个地方 e.g. All the village was excited at the news. (= the whole village…) The whole village was flooded. (refer to the place)
Central determiner: articles [a(n), the], demonstratives (this, that, these, those), possessives (my, your, his, etc), genitives (John’s, the boy’s etc), any, each, either, enough, every, neither, no, some, what, which(ever), whose(ever)

4.1.2 Co-occurrence of determiners(限定词的搭配):
Postdeterminer: cardinal numerals (one, two, three, etc), ordinal numerals (first, second, third, etc.), next, last, few (fewer, fewest), little (less, least), many, much (more, most), another, other, several, such e.g. all the students (前位限定词+中位限定词) all other students (前位限定词+后位限定词) all the three other students (前位限定词+中位限 定词+后位限定词+后位限定词)

4.1 Determiners (pp74-90) Determiners refer to words which are used in the premodification of a noun phrase and which typically precede any adjectives that premodify the head word. In terms of function, determiners can be classified into: Identifiers类指、特指限定词 Quantifiers数量限定词 based on their relative positions when they occur, there are three types: Predeterminers (前位限定词) Central determiners(中位限定词) Postdeterminers(后位限定词)
Chapter 4
Noun and Noun Phrase (2): Determiner and Genitive
限定词 • 限定词与形容词的区别 • 限定词与限定词的搭配 • 限定词的用法 • 冠词的用法 属格 • 属格与of-词组的用法和区别 • 集体属格、地点属格和双重属格
Determiners and adjectives are different in many ways(p74-75)
(3) Adjectives describe the head word by showing its characteristics, but determiners determine the head word by identifying or quantifying; e.g. many good the useful books my old three English
4.1.3 Usage of some determiners: (pp78-81)
(2) all and both e.g. Both of them are doctors. All of them are doctors.

Both modifies countable nouns and refers to a group that consists of two members; All is used when the number is greater than two.