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Absorbed as he was in a mathematical problem, he did not notice my entering the room. 由于他全神贯注在解一道数学题,所以没有注意到我走进 房间。 But, living as it does in a community of cells, it is not independent at all. ( 高二册,第336页) Living as we do in a remote village, we have few visitors. 由于我们住在一个偏僻的村子里,所以没有什么来客。
as 引导状语从句
作为连词,as极其活跃,能引导多种状语从句,本文 拟将这一用法作一归纳。 1、引导时间状语从句 As you study a globe, you may notice that most of the large land areas are connected, or almost so. ( 高一册,第267页) As the steam expands, the temperature falls. 当水蒸汽膨胀 时,温度就下降。 Just as I was backing out, my sleeve caught on the corner of a tray of diamonds. ( 高三册,第225页)
2)n.+as+ 主语+系动词be,…
Child as he is, he knows a lot of things. 他虽然是个孩子,可 知道的事情却不少。 King as he is, he is unhappy. 他虽然是国王,但还是不开心。 Expert as he was, he failed. 他虽然是专家,但还是失败了。 注意在本句型中,句首的单数可数名词前不用冠词。试比 较下面这个与第一句意义相同的句子: Although he is a child, he knows a lot of things.
Try as you may, you will never succeed. 你尽管可以试,但 决不会成功。
The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space, as they do from the earth. (高二册,第198页)太空中没有空气,这也说明了为什么在 太空星星看来并不闪烁,不像从地球上看到的那样。 Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do. 固体像液体和气体一样也会膨胀和收缩。
as在引导方式状语时,前面可以有加强语气的just : Just as sound is a wave motion, light in the same sense, may be regarded as a wave motion. 正如声音是一种波动一样, 光也同样可以看作是一种波动。 I knew his wife must be praying for him, just as I was praying for James. 我知道他妻子一定在为他祈祷,正如我 为詹姆斯祈祷一样。 Electricity flows through a wire just as water flows through a pipe. 电通过导线,就像水流过管子一样。
as引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】
3)adv.+as+ 主语+动词,…
Much as I like it, I won ' t buy it. 尽管我很Байду номын сангаас欢它,但我却不 买。 Fast as you read, you can ' t finish the book in two days. 尽管你读得很快,你也不能在两天之内读完这本书。
as引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】
1)adj.+as+ 主语+系动词be
Young as he is, he knows a lot of things. 他年龄不大,可知 道的事情却不少。 Poor as he was, he was honest. 他虽然穷,但很诚实。 Hard as steel is, it will bend or break under the action of a strong force. 钢虽然很硬,但在强力作用下也会弯曲或断裂。
2、引导原因状语从句 As Li Ping was not well, I went there myself. ( 高一册,第96 页) As water is a good solvent, pure water is never met with in nature. 因为水是一种很好的溶剂,所以在自然界从未遇见过纯水。 as引导的原因状语从句也可以采用倒装结构,如: Tired as he was, he want to bed at once. 他因为很累,所以 马上就去睡了。 Michael, fool as he was, completely ruined the dinner. 由于迈克尔的愚蠢,这次宴会全给搅乱了。
as引导状语从句 【一、引导状语从句用法】
They produce gases almost as harmful as the gases from factories. (高一册,第194页) You know as much about that as I do.