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C.That’s a surpriseD.I deserve it
本题考查交际用语。解题步骤:1.确定各选项意思:A. Thank you谢谢你;B. It’s a piece of cake小菜一碟;C. That’s a surprise真是一个惊喜;D. I deserve it我应得的;2.确定答案:根据空后I never thought of that.可知,此处指“真是一个惊喜”。句意:—猜猜怎么了?你在去剑桥深造的交换项目的名单里。—真是一个惊喜!我从没有想到过。故选C。
14.—Have you heard that more flights from WuXi to Beijing are available this year?
—Of course. Many citizens are ____ for it’s quite convenient for them to travel.
考查情景交际用语。句意:——我明天要去美国参加一个交易会。——祝你一切顺利。几周后见。A. Congratulations恭喜;B. All the best一切顺利;C. All the better反而更好;D. All in all总而言之。结合句意故选B。
13.—He is a real sportsman______ he is not very well-known.
—______. Besides, he is young.
A.though; I am afraid notB.since; You are sure
C.even if; I agree absolutelyD.because; That's that point
考查从属连词和日常用语。句意:---尽管他不是很有名,但他是个真正的运动员。---我完全同意。而且,他还年轻。根据第一个空格前后的内容,可判断出本句为though或者even if引导的让步状语从句;根据besides后的内容,可判断出空格处应填入表示赞同对方的话语,故选C。
考查习惯用语辨析。句意:这个年轻人非常优秀。现在他是一家大公司的总裁。A. top dog头领;有权势的人;B. cold fish态度冷冰冰的人;C. white elephant华而不实的东西;D. black sheep害群之马。由“excellent”可知,top dog“头领;有权势的人”符合句意。故A选项正确。
C.I couldn't agree moreD.That couldn't be better
考查情景交际。句意:——你爱吃甜食。这可能很难减肥。——我完全同意,但我就是忍不住。A. You can't be serious不是说真的吧;B. You must be joking你一定是在开玩笑;C. I couldn't agree more我完全同意;D. That couldn't be better那再好不过了。此处指同意对方说的爱吃甜食难减肥的观点,故选C。
7.— OK, I'm at the crossroads you told me about,?
—Well, walk one block east and you will see the bank on your left.
A.guess whatB.so whatC.now whatD.what for
10.—Would you mind if I asked you a question?
—_____, as long as it won’t take long.
A.Take careB.Never mindC.Go aheadD.Don’t worry
考查情景交际。句意:——如果我问你一个问题你介意吗?——问吧,只要不花很长时间就好。A. Take care(小心点);B. Never mind(没关系);C. Go ahead(问吧);D. Don't worry(别担心),根据语境,C项符合题意。故选C项。
9.—Guess what? You are on the list of the exchange program for further study in Cambridge.
—______! I never thought of that.
A.Thank youB.It’s a piece of cake
—________. He called and said he would be late.
A.There you go againB.Don't risk your neck
C.Take your timeD.Save your breath
考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:——恐怕我们得快点了。我们的老师一会儿就来接我们。——慢慢来。他打电话说他要迟到了。A. There you go again你又来了;B. Don't risk your neck别冒险;C. Take your time别着急;D. Save your breath省口气吧。根据后文He called and said he would be late.可知,是不着急,故选C。
A.green with envy B.feeling blue
C.over the moon D.hot under the collar
考查习惯用语。A. green with envy非常嫉妒;B. feeling blue心情压抑;C. over the moon欣喜若狂;D. hot under the collar怒不可遏。句意:—你听说今年从无锡到北京的航班增加了吗?—当然。许多市民欣喜若狂,因为旅行非常方便。故C选项正确。
考查短语辨析。句意:---你觉得这本书怎么样?——它不仅仅是一本书,它还是一本很好的求职者指南。other than除了,不同于…;more than超过,不仅仅是;rather than而不是;less than少于,不到,故选B。
3.— Are you going to Tom’s birthday party?
— ________ .I might have to work.
A.It dependsB.Thank you
C.Sounds greatD.Don’t mention it
6.—I guess this dress no longer fits me. I am almost 30.
— ______ ? You look pretty in it!
A.What ifB.Why not
C.How aboutD.How come
考查习惯用语。句意:——我想这件衣服不适合我了。我快30岁了。——怎么会?你穿它很漂亮! A. What if假使……将会怎样;倘若……;B. Why not为什么不;C. How about……如何;……怎么样,用于提议,后接名词或动名词;D. How come为什么;怎么会(那样)。根据句意可知选D。
12.---- I am leaving for America to attend a trade fair tomorrow.
---- ________. See you in a couple of weeks.
A.CongratulationsB.All the bestC.All the betterD.All in all
A. guess what猜怎么着;B. so what那又怎样;C. now what现在该怎么办;D. what for为什么。根据情境,故选C。
8.—I'm afraid we need to hurry. Our teacher will come to meet us in a minute.
—________. Everyone should do his bit.
A.You asked for it B.You bet
C.You have my word D.You’ve got me there
考查情景交际。A. You asked for it你自找的;B. You bet当然了。C. You have my word我向你保证。D. You’ve got me there你难住我了。句意:青年人联盟委员会正在寻找垃圾分类的志愿者,你愿意参加吗?当然了,每个人都应该做出自己的贡献。故B项正确。
15.——I'm afraid I can't complete the marathon next week.
— ______ ! You have been practicing a lot.
A.No problemB.Go aheadC.Cheer upD.Good luck
4.The young man is very excellent. Now he is the ______ of a big company.
A.top dogB.cold fish
C.white elephantD.black sheep
1.—You have a sweet tooth. It may be hard for you to lose weight.
— ______, but I just can't help it.
A.You can't be seriousB.You must be joking
2.-What do you think of the book?
-It's ______ a book.It serves as a really good guide to job hunters.
A.other thanB.more than
C.rather thanD.less than
5.— Would you like to go to the opera with me?
—______ I prefer jazz.
A.Good idea!B.It’s not my cup of tea.
C.Why not?D.It’s up to you
考查习惯用语。句意:——你愿意和我去看歌剧吗?——我不喜欢。我喜欢爵士乐。A. Good idea!好主意!B. It’s not my cup of tea.非我所爱;不是我喜欢的;C. Why not?为什么不?D. It’s up to you你决定;随便你。根据句意故选B。
11.—The Youth League Committee is looking for volunteers for the promotion of rubbish-sorting. Would you like to join in?