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In addition, however, there are specific and supporting organizations, such as tourist information centers, souvenir manufacturers and retailers, or brochure distribution companies.
and tourism includes. (1)tourist needs and motivations ; (2)tourism selection behavior and
constraints (3)travel away from home; (4)market interactions between tourists
The Economics of Travel and Tourism
Chapter 1
1. tourism
Tourism is neither a phenomenon nor a simple set of industries. It is a human activity, which encompasses human behavior, use of resources, and interaction with other people, economies and environments.
and those supplying products to satisfy tourist needs; (5)impacts on tourists, hosts, economies and environments 。
economics plays a role in many of these areas, particularly where there is a need to analyze market forces relation demand by tourists to supply of ‘products’, and in analyzing economic impacts and measures to control tourism’s effects.
2. the tourism industry
Products and services are parts of tourist requirements, and tourism industry encompasses a whole mass of organizations, majority of which are likely to be involved in passenger carriage, accommodation and amenities or attractions.
1.旅游经济学,郑州大学出版社,田孝蓉 2.旅游经济学,上海人民出版社,陶汉军,林
南枝 3.旅游经济学,南开大学出版社,罗明义 4.旅游经济学,东北财经大学出版社,龙江智
翻译 5.旅游经济学—理论与发展,东北财经大学,
开卷考试或半开半闭; 平时成绩占30%;考试成绩占70%。
通过本课程学习,掌握和了解旅游 经济学的学科特点、研究对象、研 究内容和研究方法,从总体上掌握 旅游经济学的理论体系和结构。
根据教材内容、课程体系、双语课的教学 要求以及学生的接受能力,适当对教材内 容进行删减,并相应增加相关内容,补充 一些旅游经济学案例,让学生在掌握理论 的同时,学会应用。
It is also important to interrelate economics with the sociology, psychology and geography of tourism on the one hand; on the other hand, economics plays a role in planning, management and marketing in travel and tourism organization and destination.
It also involves physical movement of tourists to locales other than their normal living places. Although most tourism around the world is a form of recreation, thus implying use of an individual’s discretionary time, some tourism is inevitably linked with obligations, such as business or health requirements.
Because of this complex range, it is useful
to attempt to classify the industry into
sectors. One such classification produces: (1)carriers—in any form of transport for tourist travel; (2)accommodation; (3)man-made attractions—which could
The definition
旅游是游览为目的的旅行,是 人们出于各种个人或社会动机, 离开居住地区到另一个地区或 另一个国家旅行游览一段时间, 然后返回原住地的整个活动过 程。
Though there are different definitions about
tourism, it is generally agreed that travel