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25.had been asking 26.could 27.but 28.another 29.If 30.being beaten

31.to win


32.that 33.better 34.leaving 35.that 36.as 37.what 38.for

39.has been described 40.which


41.D 42.G 43.I 44.H 45.F 46.B 47.J 48.A 49.E 50.C

Section A

D 51. A. honors B. mentions C. brings D. owes

A 52. A. decided B. refused C. objected D. asked

C 53. A. books B. things C. savings D. pounds

B 54. A. ordinary B. routine C. regular D. common

B 55. A. look B. inspection C. test D. experiment

C 56. A. priceless B. useful C. worthless D. valuable

B 57. A. afraid B. proud C. ashamed D. hard

D 58. A. that B. what C. as D. which

C 59. A. disappointed B. delighted C. amazed D. satisfied

A 60. A. strictly B. quietly C. quickly D. curiously

B 61. A. conditions B. experiences C. experiments D. chances

C 62. A. stopped B. hoped C. warned D. urged

B 63. A. came out B. found out C. sent out D. set out

D 64. A. hit B. blamed C. praised D. charged

A 65. A. honesty B. lies C. goods D. bravery

Section B

66~69DACB 70~73BACD 74~77DBCA

Section C


1.看来他不能胜任律师这一职业. (qualify)

It seems that he couldn’t qualify as a lawyer

2.Bob很纳闷什么时候会轮到他进办公室面试. (it)

Bob wondered when it was his turn to enter the office to get interviewed.


The professor Zhang sacrificed a / her promising career for the sake of her daughter’s health.

4.情况虽然复杂,但侦探们一定会充分利用已收集的线索查出真相. (as)

Although the situation is compliment, the detectives are sure to make full use of the clues collected to find out the truth.

5.政府呼吁市民出行使用公共交通工具,而非私家车,以缓解交通压力和空气污染.(instead of) The government appealed to the citizens to take public transportation when going out instead of driving their private cars to relieve traffic pressure.
