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( )1.The girl in the classroom ______ be Sarah. Sh e has gone to the library.

A. may

B. must

C. needn’t

D. can’t

( )2.--We can invite Nick and Nora to see a film at Xingxing Cinema City with us.

--___? I’ll gi ve them a call right now.

A. Why not

B. What for

C. Why

D. What

( )3. 一Oh,so many people are standing outside the hall.______will the film start?

一_______seven o’clock.

A.How soon;Not until B.How long;Not until

C.How soon;Until D.How long;Until

( )4. He has been _______the Award for Best Actor several times.

A. got to know

B. presented with

C. taken part in

D. played the role

( )5. Mo Yan is known _________ a writer.

A. of

B. for

C. as

D. in

( )6. Though he is very young , _______he knows a lot about the history of China.

A. but

B. as

C. for


( )7.—What shall we do now? —_________ it’s raining hard , let’s stay at home.

A. So

B. Since

C. Though

D. If

( )8.You’ll ________ to join the party if your homework ________.

A. ask, do

B. be asked, is done

C. asked, did

D. be asked, will be done ( )9. —Do you know______?

A.when they will reach

B. when will they arrive

C. when will they reach

D.when they will arrive

( )10.Tan Dun used to make music _____ common objects _____ stones and paper.

A. like, with

B. as, with

C. with, like

D. like, as

( )11. —Did you have a _______ trip to Hangzhou? —Yes, I was very _______ with it.

A.pleased; pleased

B. pleasant; pleasant

C. pleased; pleasant

D. pleasant; pleased

( ) 12. After reviewing the new words, he __________ the text.

A.went on to explain

B. went on explaining

C. preferred to explain

D. stopped explaining

( )13. The new coat in the shop is ________. Would you please try it on?

A. in style

B. in general

C. in common

D. in shape

( )14. You’d better __________here__________ the heavy rain.

A.not to leave; because

B. not leave; because

C. not leave; because of

D. not to leave; because of

( )15. _______ good music it is!

A. How

B. What a

C. How a

D. What


Gwondo was a trainer of dogs.He would go out every day with his dogs, to __ 16___them how to catch animals so all his tribe(部落) could eat.

Wherever Gwondo went, his tribe could see him away in the distance___ 17___ his white hair would shine in the sunlight.The tribe__18__would say to their children, "See, there is Gwondo and his dogs, searching for___19___ for us all." Gwondo went out hunting every day
