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What exciting news it is!(what + adj. + N (可数名词复数形式)+ S + V结构)
What good teachers they are!(what + adj. + N(可数名词复数形式)+ S+V结构)
How warmly they are discussing!(how + adv. + S + V结构)
注意:在这种句型中be不能省略;否定副词not不 可置于be之后。
3. Let引起的祈使句的否定形式有两种 Don’t let me go with her tomorrow. =Let me not go with her
tomorrow. 不要让我明天跟她一起去。 Let’s not tell her the truth whenever we meet her. 无论什么时候我们碰到她,都不要告诉她真相。 4.在公共场合的提示语中,否定祈使句常用『No+名词/V-ing形式』
1.含有“a/ an + adj. + N ”结构的句子方法是把形容 词单独抽出来放在名词短语的前面和how搭配使用。
2.名词短语作主语而表语是形容词的句子方法是把主语当 作“a/ an + adj. + N”结构的中心名词而用人称代词充 当主语。
结构,表示『禁止做某事』。例如: NO PHOTOS!禁止拍照!
一、感叹句有哪几种格式? 简单地说是“两型七式”:两种句型是以what开头的句型和以how开
头的句型,七种格式是 ① what +( a /an)+ adj. + N+ S +V ⑤ how + adj./adv+ S +V ⑦ how + adj. + a/ an + N + S+V
How beautiful a picture it is!(how + adj. + a/ an + N + S + V 结构)
当我们做句型变换或选择题时需要自己确定到底是用 what还是用how,一般可以这样来确定:位于主语之前的 是名词短语时用what,是形容词或副词短语时用how。但 这种格式例外: how + adj. + a/ an + N
1.在祈使句的肯定句式前加Don't,构成Don't+ 行为动词原形+其它成分。例如:
Don't say that again!别再那样说了!
2.在Be动词引起的肯定祈使句前加Don't,构成 Don't be+其它成分(形容词、名词或介词短语 等)。例如:Don't be careless.不要粗心。
What a cool bike you are riding!(a cool bike 名词 短语)
How fast he is riding!(fast 副词)
How cool a bike you are riding! ( how + adj. + a/ an +N)
There be句型表示 “存在有”, have\has表示 “拥有” “所有”,两者不能同时使用.例如:
桌子上有三本书. There are three books on the desk.
我有三本书. I have three books.
如: Be careful when crossing the street.过马路时要小心。 3. Let+宾语+动词原形+其它成分。例如: Let him go back now.让他现在回去吧。
祈使句的否定句式,通常情况下在句首加上 Don’t或Never,一般分为以下四种类型:
一般疑问句:There be结构的一般疑问句变化只需把be动 词移到句首,再在句尾加上问号即可。例如:
There is some money in her handbag.
→ Is there any money in her handbag? (疑问句和否 定句中,some改为any, something改为anything.)
What an expensive glass he broke! →How expensive a glass he broke!
How beautiful the birds are! →what beautiful birds they are!
常常省略的是充当主语的人称代词 和动词be。
There is an orange in her bag. →There isn’t an orange in her bag. →There is no orange in her bag.
There are some oranges in her bag. →There aren’t any oranges in her bag. →There are no oranges in her bag. There is some juice in the bottle. →There isn’t any juice in the bottle. →There is no juice in the bottle.
上保持一致,也就是我们常说的 “就近原则”。例如: There is an orange and some bananas in the basket. There are some bananas and an orange in the basket.
There be句型和have\has的区别:
祈使句常常是表达说话人对对方的劝告、叮嘱、 请求或命令等。
Keep off the grass!勿踩草地!
Put the boxes in the small room.把Байду номын сангаас些盒子 放到那个小房间里
祈使句的肯定句式一般分为以下三种类型: 1.行为动词原形+其它成分。例如: Make sentences after the model.根据例句造句。 2. Be动词+其它成分(形容词、名词或介词短语等)。例
There is a pencil in my pencil-case.
There was an old house by the river five years ago.
否定句:There be句型否定句式的构成和含有be 动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上“not”。也可 用“no”来表示。
What a naughty boy!(省略了he is)
There be句型的用法
一、构成:There be ...句型表示的是 “某处有(存在) 某 人 或 某 物 ” , 其 结 构 为 There be(is , are , was, were )+名词+地点状语。例如:
There are fifty-two students in our class.
1. There be句型中be动词的形式要和其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 如 果 句 子 的 主 语 是 单 数 的 可 数 名 词 , 或 是 不 可 数 名 词 , be 动 词 用
“is”“was”。例如: There is a basketball in the box. There is a little milk in the glass. 如果句子的主语是复数名词,be动词就用“are” “were”。例如: There are many birds in the tree. There were many people in the street yesterday. 如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语,be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数