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(I) There are twenty sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four words or phrases marked a, b, c and d Choose the one word or phrase that best completes each sentence. (20 points)

1.David was at home in 1986, sleeping through a newly declared South African government state of emergency, police burst into his home and took him away.

A. after

B. whereas

C. otherwise

D. when



2. Mabeka, who testified at the same , told the commission he spent two months in prison after being taken from his home in 1986 and beaten at a police station.

A. jury

B. judgment

C. hearing

D. occasion


【解析】由testified(作证;证实)可知该场合是听证会,因此C项正确。hearing 听证会。jury陪审团。

3. He makes a perfectly plausible argument to the effect the question is grammatical rather than rhetorical.

A. when

B. that

C. as if

D. for


【解析】to the effect that大意是,意思是。

4. The college students in this university are from smoking on campus because this will do them no good.

A. refrained

B. advised

C. contained

D. maintained




5. China won’t allow any foreign country to in our internal affairs.

A. interfere

B. interrupt

C. involve

D. disturb


【解析】句意:中国不允许其他任何国家干涉内政。interfere in干涉,干预。

6. Such the case, there are no grounds to justify your constant complaints.

A. being

B. was

C. is

D. having been



7. Humble it may be, there’s no place like home wherever you go.

A. seem

B. as

D. if



8. The trial must be held in the “State and district” the crime was committed and the district is set by Congress.

A. because

B. when

C. which

D. where


【解析】根据句子分析,此处需要填一个表达方位的定语从句修饰“State and District”这个地方,因此选D。

9. The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely “levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, them Aid and Comfort.”

A. give

B. given

C. giving



10. The of someone convicted for treason could not, as they were under English law, be considered “tainted” by the treason of their ancestor.


B. spouse





11. that the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar gas cloud.

A. It is advised

B. It is believed

C. It is admonished

D. It is a necessity

