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英文语法拉杂谈-- 动名词


你听过英文语法有动词(verb )、名词(noun );但你听过有动名词(gerund )吗?在还没谈动名词之前,让我们先看看下面的句子:

1. The girl is singing a song.

2. The girl singing now is mysister.

3. Singing is one of her hobbies (爱好)。

三个句子中都有singing. 第一个句子的singing 是常见的现在进行式(Present Continuous ),是说眼下正在做什么;第二个句子的singing 是现在分词(Present Participle ),它把sing 这个动词转为形容词,但仍有动词的成份(哈哈,这么一说,要把你搞晕了吧:-)•关于分词,以后有空再谈吧,0K?)。好戏在后头,你看看第三个句子的singing到底是什么东东呀?原来就是我们的主角动名词(Gerund)了!你看,sing原本是个动词,可是现在它加上ing 后,看来竟像是一个名词了。怎么,好玩吧?

因此记住,不要以为一个动词加上ing 后都是现在进行式呀!动名词可分为两大类:

一、名词性的动名词(Nominal Gerund )

Nominal Gerund 可以加上定冠词(Definite article ,如the )或不定冠词(Indefinite article ,如a ,an ),其他可加在动名词前的还有如:my,this ,some,any,all ,no 等等。举例如下:

1. The mellow (愉快地)singing of the birds announces the coming of spring.

(singing 前加定冠词the 及形容词mellow ;coming 前加the )

2. Weknew the robber was near when we heard a faint rustling (沙沙声)in the bushes. (rustling 前加不定冠词 a 及形容词faint )


saying ,writing ,opening ,painting ,cutting ,heading ,feeling ,being ,

saving ,surrounding ,crossing ,misunderstanding 等等。它们都可以有复数的喔,方法就是在它们的后面加个s,如:paintings.

二、动词性的动名词(Verbal Gerund )


Carelessly writing essays annoys the teacher.

上面的句子里的writing 是动名词,但前面有副词carelessly (粗心地),后面又有受词(Object )essays. 因此writing 就有动词的特征。

注意:Verbal Gerund这类动名词的前面可不能加上任何冠词(the , a , an ......... )喔。




一、在句子中用作主语(Subject )或主语的补语(Subject Complement):

1.1 作主语

1. Listening to music gives me pleasure. (主语Listening )

2. Running is good exercise. (主语running )

3. Walking to school is a good idea. (主语walking )

1.2 作主语的补语

1. My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. (补语sleeping )

2. Seeing is believing. (主语seeing ,补语believing )

1.3 主语置于句尾

1.3.1 用It + be + ……+v-i ng 句型

1. It is fun speaking English.

2. It is of great importance fighting against pollution (污染)。

1.3.2 用It is 后接no use. no good ,fun 等的句型

1. It is no use learning theory without practice.

2. It is no fun being lost in rain.

1.3.3 用It is 后接useless ,nice ,good,interesting ,worthwhile 等的句型

1. It is worthwhile taking this into consideration.

1.3.4 用There + be + no + v-ing 的句型

1. There is no joking about such matters.

2. There is no getting along with him.




可以作宾语(Object )

2.1 作动词/ 动词短语的宾语(置于动词或动词短语的后面)

1. I cannot help laughing. (我禁不住笑了起来)

2. You should avoid quarrelling with your sister.

3. You should practice speaking English more. 宾语laughing )

(宾语quarrelling ) (宾语speaking )

注意:上面三个句子中的动词:help ,avoid ,practice 只能用动名词作宾语。这类动词还有:dislike 厌恶admit 接受repent 后悔acknowledge 承认enjoy 享受escape 避免deny 否认postpone 延迟resent 怨恨mind 介意miss 错过

risk 冒风险finish excuse 原谅include 完成avoid 避免delay 耽误consider 认为fancy 想象包括imagine 想象resist 抵制suggest 建议……

还有短语类:keep (on )继续don't mind 不介意cannot help 不禁give up 放弃

put off 延迟leave off 停止burst out 闯出…… 再请注意:有一些动词除了可接动名词外,也可接不定词( infinitive )。例子如下:

1. I prefer living in an apartment. (动词prefer 接动名词living )

2. I prefer to live in an apartment. (动词prefer 接不定词to live )

像上面两个句子的意思没什么不同。如prefer 这一类的动词还有:

allow deserve neglect attempt fear omit begin hate permit bother intend cease like recommend continue love start stop

forget regret propose try continue remember need ……

其实如hate ,love ,like 之类动词,接动名词和接不定词的句子,意思是会有些不同的,这就留给大家去研究吧,hihi ……

2.2 作介词( Preposition )的宾语( Object )

1. I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble. 介词for ,宾语giving )

2. The book is worth reading.

3. I reached him by calling his office. 介词worth ,宾语reading )

介词by,宾语calling )

4. The police arrested (逮捕)him for speeding.

注意:在下列的句子结构中,介词in 被省略掉:

介词for ,宾语speeding )

1. She is busy ( in ) correcting her exercises.

2. Hespent two hours ( in ) reading

book. 3. There is no use ( in ) talking with him now. 4. Is it any good ( in ) taking
