船舶轮机实用英语口语 8

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How do you do,Mr. Wang. I'm Brown,a ship chandler. 你好,王先生,我是布朗,物料供应商。

Glad to meet you,Mr. Brown. Have a seat,please. 很高兴见到你,布朗先生,请坐。Thanks. Your agent asked me to come and see you. 谢谢,你们的代理让我来见你。

Yes. We're going to order some stores and spare parts. 是的,我们想订些物料及备件。

Well,here is our price list. You'll find our prices fair and reasonable. 很好,这是我们的价目表,你会发现我们的价格公平合理。

I'm afraid I can't give you my order right now. 我恐怕不能马上给你订单。

That's all right. I'll be glad to come again tomorrow. 好的,我明天再来。

OK. See you tomorrow. 好吧,明天见。

Glad to see you,Mr. Brown. 很高兴见到你,布朗先生。

Me too,Mr. Wang. 我也是,王先生。

Let's talk about the orders. 我们谈一下订单吧。

All right. I'm ready for them. 是的,我正等着做这事呢。

We would like to get some spare parts for our diesel engine. 我们想订一些柴油机的备件。

What spare parts do you want? 你想要什么备件?

I've got a list. Here you are. 我这儿有份备件清单给你。

Let me have a look. 让我看看。

When can you deliver them? 你们什么时候能送来?

It depends on what you ordered. 这取决于你订什么东西。

A plunger with guide bush and sixty pcs of rubber rings. 一个带有导套的柱塞和60只橡皮圈。

Rubber rings,no problem. But the plunger is out of stock. However,I can make a special order for you. 橡皮圈没问题,但柱塞目前缺货,不过我可为你专门订货。

Can I get them within three days? 3天内能交货吗?

I'm afraid not. The time is too short. 恐怕不行,太急了。

Well,Singapore is our next port of call. Could you airmail them there? 好吧,新加坡是我们下一停靠港,你可否把它们空运到那里?

We'll arrange for the delivery,if you need them. 如果你们需要,我们可以安排。

OK. Customs duties and transport charge will be on your account(will be charged up to you).


How about other spare parts or stores? 还需要别的备件和物料吗?

Yes,we need water packing. 我们需要水封填料。

How much do you need?需要多少?

Two boxes. 2箱。

All right, you'll have it. 好的,我们供给你。

Besides that,we'd like to order some electrodes for steel and v-belts. 此外,我们订购一些用于焊接钢的焊条和三角皮带。

How many pieces do you want to order? 你们想订多少?

3 packs of 3 mm diameter electrodes and

4 pieces of v-belts. 3包直径3 mm的焊条及4条三角带。

Are you going to take spare rollers? 你们需要备用滚轮吗?

We don't need to this time. But thanks anyway. 这次我们不需要,但还是要谢谢你。Anything else? 还有别的吗?

That's all. 就这些。

I've read your quotations. Your price for the fuel valve is higher than other offers. 我看了你们的报价,你们的喷油器价格比其他供应商高。

Let me explain that it's owing to the economic crisis. 你知道,这是由经济危机造成的。Anyway,this price is unreasonable. 不论怎样,价格还是不合理。

How much can you offer? 你们能出价多少?

How about eighty dollars for example for each? 每件80美元怎样?

If you buy more,I can give you a 10% discount. 如果你买得多,我可以给你们打九折。

All right, five pieces, seventy dollars for each, okay? 好吧,5件、每件××美元,行吗?OK,a deal. 好的,成交。

Fine. Put down the discount on the invoice. 很好,请在发票上注明折扣。

We want 5 crane supply switches as spare parts. 我们想买5个起货机电源开关做备件。Sorry,they're out of stock. 抱歉,现在缺货。

Then what about switch knives? 那么,有没有开关的闸刀?

I'm afraid they are also out of stock. 闸刀恐怕也买不到。

Can you have them ordered? 能为我们订做吗?

That I can do. Please draw a sketch with the dimensions noted. 订做也行,请画个草图,注上尺寸。

There is an old one here. You can take it as a model. 这里有1支旧的,你可带回去做样品。All right. 好的。

Mr. Wang,your stores have been delivered on board. Would you ask someone to check them? 王先生,你们的物料已送上船,请派人查收。

I see. I'll ask the Second Engineer to do it. 我知道,我让大管轮去做。

Mr. Brown,I'd like to have a look at the goods. Will you please open these cases? 布朗先生,我想看一看这些物品,请打开这些箱子好吗?

I'll be glad to. 我很乐意。

The specifications of the rubber ring may be mistaken. 这种橡皮圈的规格也许搞错了。

What's wrong? 有什么差错?

The rubber should be in the metric system,not in the British system. 这种橡皮圈应为公制,而不是英制。

Sorry. I'll have them changed right away. 对不起,我立即给你们换。

As well(also)the switches are 10 pieces short. 另外开关少了10个。

I'm awfully sorry. I'll deliver another 10 tomorrow. 十分抱歉,我明天另送10个来。Leave the invoice here,I'll sign it tomorrow. 把发票留下,我明天给你签字。

OK. Thanks for your patience. 好的,多谢你的耐心。

Will you open it? 打开它好吗?

Why not? 当然可以。

Oh! Are these the stores we ordered? 噢,这是我们订的货吗?

Yes,what's wrong? 是的,有什么问题吗?

I think you made a mistake. They are not the stores we ordered. 我想你搞错了,它们不是我们订的物料。

How can that be? Today we supplied stores only for your ship. 怎么可能呢?今天我们只给你船送物料。

The stores are not in line with our order list. 这些物料与我们的订单不符。
