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China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (CATTI)


I. About CATTI


China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (hereinafter referred to as CATTI) is a state-level vocational qualification examination entrusted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) of the People’s Republic of China and implemented and administrated by the China International Publishing Group (CIPG). Included in the list of

v ocational qualifications of China’s State Council, the CATTI is the most authoritative translation and interpretation proficiency accreditation test, which has been implemented throughout the country according to uniform standards and in compliance with the national system of professional qualification certificates. It is designed to assess the proficiency and competence of candidate translators and interpreters.


The CATTI was launched to strengthen the management of the translation industry, standardize the translation job market, upgrade the quality of translators and interpreters, and scientifically, objectively and impartially evaluate the level and ability of translation professionals, so that the Chinese translation industry can further align with international standards and provide excellent and qualified translators and interpreters for the exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries in the sectors of politics, economics, culture, and education, among others.


II. Validity


The MHRSS and the CIPG jointly issue the Translation and Interpretation Proficiency Qualification Certificate of the People's Republic of China, which is well accepted by employers.

1. 唯一纳入中国国家职业资格制度的语言类考试。2017年,翻译资格考试作为唯一的语言类考试被纳入中国国务院职业资格目录清单。

1. The CATTI is the only language test that is included in China's national vocational qualification system. In 2017, the translation qualification exam was included as the only language exam in the State Council's list of vocational qualifications.

2. 中国最具含金量的十大证书之一。2016年,《人民日报》等中国主流媒体,将翻译资格证书列入中国最具含金量的十大证书之一。

2. The certificate is one of China’s top ten authoritative certificates. In 2016, The People's Daily and other Chinese mainstream media cited it as one of the top ten authoritative certificates

in the country.

3. 与中国职称制度完全对应的职业资格证书。翻译资格证书是中国翻译从业人员的职称证书,三级翻译是初级职称(相当于高校职称等级中的“助教”),二级翻译是中级职称(相当于高校职称等级中的“讲师”),一级翻译是副高级职称(相当于高校职称等级中的“副教授”),译审是正高级职称(相当于高校职称等级中的“教授”)。

3. The certificate corresponds to the Chinese professional title system. The certificate is a professional title certificate for professional translators and interpreters with following equivalents: Level-3 certificate recipient for assistant translator (teaching assistant), Level-2 for translator (lecturer), and Level-1 for assistant senior translator (associate professor) and senior translator (professor).


4. It is a must for candidates of Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) in

China. According to the relevant policies of China’s Ministry of Education, a postgraduate for master’s degree majoring in translation and interpretation without a certificate of Level 2 or above must pass the exam during his/her study in the college. The CATTI has been included in the quality control system of the teaching management of colleges and universities for translation master’s degree candidates by the National Translation Masters Professional Education Degree Committee. The proportion of passing the Level-2 exam has also been taken as an important assessment for the performance of translation majors in colleges and universities.

5. 获得翻译资格证书者可申请加入中国翻译协会。根据中国翻译协会有关规定,获得翻译资格考试三级或二级证书者,可申请成为普通会员;获得一级或译审证书者,可申请成为专家会员。

5. Those with a certificate can apply for the membership of the Translators Association of China (TAC). According to TAC’s policies, those who obtain the certificate for Level 3 and
