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Module 6

Unit 2 How old are you?


Teaching aims:

1. Aims on the knowledge

To enable the students to read and understand the meaning of sentences.

To help the students learn the new pattern. To enable the studeuts to communicate with the others using the new pattern.

2. Aims on the abilities

To develop Ss′abilities of listening and speaking.

To teair the Ss′ability of working in pairs.

To foster Ss′abilities of communication and their innovation.

3. Aims on the emotion

To arouse Ss′interest in English.

Train their ability of communication with others in English. Teaching key and difficult points:

Key points

Talk about age. To enable the students to understand and speak: How old are you? Make sure the students can use these sentences in real situations.

Use modelled sentences to communicate with teachers or other learners.

Difficult points

How to make dia logues and act them out

Train their ability of communicating with others in English. Teaching method:

Communication method

Studying ways:

Let the studentss pass “Observation—Imitation—Practice”to study language.

Teaching aids:

Cards, recorder, PPT

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Greeting and warming up

Free talk with students.

Step 2 Revision

Revise the numbers (from l to ten).

Students count.

Play a game. (Find friends)

Ask some students to come to the blackboard and match the numbers with the words.

Read together.

Step 3 Presentation

Teach the question How old are you? and the answer I’m…

Lead the students to ask and answer by the different ways.

The teacher points to Activity l and asks the students to look at the pictures. With the question: What did they say? Listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation.

Read each sentence and ask students to repeat after the teacher.

Role play.

Ask the students to look at Activity2. With the question: How old is Daming? read the story.

Read each sentence and ask the students to repeat after the teacher.

Play the tape. Give students task and let them imitate the pronunciation.

Divide them into groups. Let students act it out in pairs.

Ask a few pairs of pupils to share their conversations to the class.

Step 4 Drill

Ask about and say age in English. Ask students to take turn asking the questions such as How old are you? And then answering the questions.

Step 5 Action

Let the students remember the sentences quickly and say to the other students listen, then handed down one by one. Compare which group to do the best.

Have students work in groups. (Ask some students to perform the conversation for the class.

Step 6 Survey

Ask students to take turns interviewing each other. with the questions: How old are you? What’s your name? do a survey.

Let some students present their dialogues to the class. Step 7 Consolidation

Step 8 Homework

Listen to the tape, and sing this song “How old are you?”to your family and friends.
