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The Role of Business English in the international Logistics















This thesis has been written with the help and support of a long list of people to whom I am most grateful. It is to them that I dedicate this thesis.

First and foremost, I owe a great debt of gratitude to my supervisor Professor Li Yuanyuan for her well-informed guidance and great patience in introducing me to the wonderful realm of linguistics and literature over the past two and a half years of my study at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Had it not been for his insightful advice and his constructive comments, especially her painstaking revisions of every draft of each chapter of this thesis, it would never have taken the present form.

Last but not least, I must mention some of those people for whom I come to realize how lucky I am. I am indebted with the greatest gratitude to my parents and my husband, without whose continuous spiritual and financial support it would have been hard for me to pursue my academic study. I cannot forget my best friends Ms. Wu for always being there for me with much tolerance and no demand of me ever since we first met five and a half years ago, and Ms. Wu for sharing my joys and sorrows.





With the booming development and expansion of Chinese-Foreign joint education projects in running schools, many higher education institutions in China launch bilateral programs cooperated with world-leading and prestigious education providers abroad. This collaboration provides more Chinese students with foreign educational resources of high quality without studying abroad. This experience enriches deep insight and teaching content as well as improving productive effect of teaching.

This thesis aims at analyzing delivery of joint program as Bachelor of Business provided by Central Queensland University Australia and Raffles Design Institute Shanghai affiliated to Donghua University on the basis of comprehensive interrelation and integration in running local school. It specifically illustrates and elucidates different aspects in admissions and enrollment, quality control system, course and teaching management, professional development and further training of faculty, teaching methodology, course introduction and framework, site support as well as marketing and advertising and so on to well illuminate bilateral advantages and existent shortcomings by demonstrating and verifying the paper. Based on actual situation of the college, we will develop this integrative and innovative strategy to our routine teaching and management in near future to optimize our placement and allocation. How to further develop comprehensive programs mentioned above by intercommunication and guidance between two schools in the way we extract. To further improve teaching quality and levels in running schools, we need to booth progressive revolution of teaching by summarization and consolidation we have found through problems in confrontation with us to ensure Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools are going healthy and sustainable development.

KEY WORDS:Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, Admissions and Enrollment, Quality Control System, Course and Teaching Management
