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1. Some of the higher animals like dogs and apes show complex brain activity when ____ with the appropriate equipment .

A. testing

B. tested

C. to be tested

D. having been tested

2. _____ quietly on the Great Wall , I felt that human beings were so insignificant , heaven and earth so vast and history so long .

A. Standing

B. Having stood

C. Standing

D. To be standing

3. The industrial nations should be responsible for about 30 percent of poisons ___ into the sky and seas.

A. being dumped

B. to be dumped

C. having dumped

D. to have dumped

4. An increasing number of collegegraduates find themselves ___ in jobs irrelevant too their university studies.

A. be engaged

B. have engaged

C. engaged

D. having engaged

5. Albert was told to go to the customs office , where an officer told him that he had been caught on camera ___ the border illegally.

A. having crossed

B. crossing

C. crossed

D. was crossed

6. New technology makes it possible to restructure the DNA molecules and thus ___ more genetic changes.

A. obtaining

B. obtain

C. have obtain

D. on obtaining

7. Under modern conditions, a rapid rise in population is a phenomenon closely ____ to underdevelopment.

A. to be related

B. relates

C. relating

D. related

8. When___ the color of a given oil sample, there is one simple rule: the darker the soil, the greater the fertility .

A. examining

B. you examine

C. to examine

D. to be examine

9. When the eye is fixed on a colored area, there is an immediate adjustment of the eye to the color in and around the area ___ .

A. to view

B. viewed

C. viewing

D. to be viewed

10. Teachers’conference with parents ___ during the year can significantly aid in achieving interaction between school and home.

A. carrying on

B. varied on

C. being carried on

D. to carry on

11. ___ his professional diploma, Charles was appointed to a teaching post in a grammar school.

A. Having obtained

B. Being obtained

C. Obtained

D. To be obtained

12. Disappointment is an unfulfilled dream, a result of working hard and not achieving one’s goal, or an effort ___ in vain( 徒劳).

A. to be made

B. made

C. being made

D. on make

13. Melted rock and other materials poured out the opening of the volcano, ___ everything in a path 15 miles long.

A. simply to damage

B. just to damage

C. damaging

D. having damaged

14. Whether ____ or not, major depressive disorder is often associated with changes in brain structure or brain function.

A. inheriting ( 遗传)

B. to inherit

C. inherited

D. being inherited

15. ___, the total wealth women have created is much the same as that men have made .

A. Roughly calculated

B. To calculate roughly
