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收稿日期:201X-xx-xx ; 修回日期:201X-xx-xx 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(90816027);航空科学基金(20135853037);航天技术支撑基金(2013-HT-XGD-15)


陈凯,卫凤,张前程,于云峰,闫杰 (西北工业大学 航天学院,西安710072)

摘 要:讨论了在高超声速飞行器半实物仿真中,使用飞行器六自由度模型生成捷联惯导轨迹发生器的方案,使半实物仿真中的捷联惯导系统与飞行力学模型和飞行控制系统有机地融合到一起。介绍了六自由度模型的坐标系定义,描述了发射坐标系下由32个方程组成的高精度六自由度模型。指出了六自由度模型中惯性器件测量的比力和角速率理论值,比力和角速率是由飞行器飞控系统作用后所产生各种力和力矩的综合结果,而不同于传统轨迹发生器中由事先设定的速度和姿态变换获得。将发射坐标系下的导航信息推导到高超声速飞行器需求的当地水平导航坐标系下。高超声速飞行器数字仿真表明,提出的轨迹发生器满足半实物仿真算法精度要求;半实物仿真表明,导航系统与六自由度模型、飞行控制与制导系统能够有机结合,导航结果精度满足指标要求,支撑了高超声速飞行器飞控系统性能指标评估。 关键词:轨迹发生器;捷联惯导;六自由度模型;高超声速飞行器;半实物仿真 中图分类号:V249.3

文献标识码:A 文章编号:

Trajectory Generator of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System on Flight Dy-namics with Application in Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation

CHEN Kai, WEI Feng, ZHANG Qian-cheng, YU Yun-feng, Y AN Jie

(School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi ’an 710072, China )

Abstract : How to generate trajectory profile of strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) based on flight dy-namics is discussed in the hypersonic vehicle hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) simulation, which makes SINS work together in harmony with hypersonic vehicle six-degree-of-freedom (6DoF) model and flight control and guidance system. Firstly, the definition of coordinate system in 6DoF model is introduced. Then the high precision 6DoF model consists of 32 equations is described in launch centered earth-fixed (LCEF) coordinate system. The theoreti-cal value of the specific force and the angular velocity measured by inertial measurement unit (IMU) in 6DoF mod-el is pointed out. The specific force and the angular velocity is a combined result of a variety of forces and mo-ments by flight control system during flight, which is different with a traditional trajectory generator whose specific force and angular velocity is obtained from velocity and attitude change sets in advance. The navigation informa-tion in LCEF frame is converted to local ENU frame to meet hypersonic vehicle demand. The hypersonic vehicle digital simulation result reveals that the 6DoF model, the flight control and guidance system, and SINS can work together. The HWIL simulation indicates that the accuracy of SINS satisfies the requirement of hypersonic vehicle and can support the evaluation of the hypersonic vehicle flight control system performance. Keywords :Trajectory generator; Strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS); Six-degree-of-freedom model; Hypersonic vehicle; Hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) simulation

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X-43A 高超声速飞行器验证机采用LN-100LG 组合导航系统,在飞行试验过程中采用纯捷联惯导导航[1]

。在对捷联惯导的研究和实验中,离不开轨迹发生器的使用和研究。最为经典的轨迹发生器就是PROFGEN ,PROFGEN 提供当地水平坐标系下的位
