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1. What do we learn about Mary from the conversation?

A. She feel s bad.

B. She hasn‟t been to dinner.

C. Her boyfriend has been at her house all day.

2. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a hotel.

B. In a grocery.

C. In a hospi tal.

3. How does the man feel about dri ving to work?

A. He likes the country, but hates the drive.

B. He likes dri ving to work i n the morni ng.

C. He can drive crazily in the country.

4. What does the woman mean?

A. Mary looks unhealthy, but she i s not.

B. Mary l ooks poor, and she i s indeed.

C. Mary l ooks heal thy, but she i sn‟t.

5. What‟s the weather like during the woman‟s holiday?

A. The weather was really pleasing.

B. The weather was terri bly bad.

C. The weather was a little bit warm.




6. Why is the man leaving?

A. Because he doesn‟t feel happy.

B. Because time i s limi ted.

C. Because he i s going to work.

7. What have the speakers been doi ng together?

A. Si ghtseeing.

B. Doi ng business.

C. Attending a meeting.


8. At what time shoul d Flight 962 have arrived?

A. 9:35.

B. 10:35.

C. 11:35.

9. What‟s the ai r-route of Flight 962?

A. From Chi cago to Boston.

B. From Boston to San Franci sco.

C. From San Franci sco to Chi cago.


10. What is most probabl y the relati onship of the two speakers?

A. Brother and si ster.

B. Reporter and interviewee.

C. Friends.

11. What job does the woman say she did?

A. She was a bus conductor.

B. She was a shop assi stant.

C. She was a housekeeper.

12. What di d the woman thi nk of her friend‟s college li fe?

A. It was busy.

B. It was wonderful.

C. It was dull.


13. What is the greatest reason for t he Greek‟s success according to Charkas?

A. The Greek players are familiar with each other.

B. The Greek coach i s expert at making the football skills.

C. The other national teams di dn‟t perform very well.

14. Why did some countries fail in the games according to the conversation?

A. Because they pai d more attention to the league games.

B. Because they paid li ttle attention to the Greek team.

C. Because they didn‟t have good coaches on their teams.

15. What di d the man NOT mention i n the talk for thei r success?

A. Their l uck.

B. Their teamwork.

C. Their hard work.

16. What is the woman?

A. A reporter.

B. A football fan.

C. A clerk.


17. A ccordi ng to the passage, whi ch was not Washington‟s interest?

A. Holding a party.

B. Fi shing.

C. Wri ting letters.

18. What di d Thomas Jefferson do after he reti red?

A. Desi gni ng the buildings.

B. Riding and hunting.

C. Wri ting about politi cs.

19. In what aspects were Jefferson and Washington alike?

A. Living on a farm and hunting.

B. Speaking foreign languages.

C. Goi ng to bed early.

20. Whose home was in Boston?

A. George Washington‟s.

B. John Adam‟s.

C. Thomas Jefferson‟s.




21. The Seventeenth People‟s Congress i s an i mportant hi stori cal _____ in Chi nese hi story.

A. event

B. matter

C. affai r

D. inci dent

22. Over the past ten years, Wuhan has ______a series of great changes i n i ts ci ty i mage and economy.

A. found

B. taken

C. seen

D. occurred

23. The newl y-built airport will be ______ to all kinds of vehi cles from all di rections.

A. available

B. accessible

C. comfortable

D. favourable

24. It i s not unusual to see that some passengers are terribly fri ghtened of taking their fi rst flight on a plane, but they soon ____ it.

A. got off

B. got away

C. got across

D. got over

25. To save the drowni ng child, the boy pl unged into the i cy water wi thout hesi tation, ______ hi s own safety.

A. despi te of

B. regardless of

C. unaware of

D. because of

26. After our government launched a ______ to popularize Chinese language worl dwide, l ots of Confuci us colleges have appeared i n

foreign universi ties.

A. campaign

B. movenment

C. measure

D. struggle

27. Everything has been considerately prepared. It only ______ for the guests to come and enj oy the meal.

A. leaves

B. seems

C. appears

D. remains

28. Having fini shed hi s morning work, the manager stood up behi nd hi s chair, _______ himsel f.

A. practi sing

B. spreadi ng

C. stretching

D. extending

29. You‟d better wash the shi rt in cold water, or the colour will ________.

A. l ose

B. run

C. go

D. die
