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剖析雅思口语Part 3中最难的10类题

雅思口语Part 3是三个部分中最难的,考官一般会就考生第二部分的答复进行深刻提问。深刻提问是指一些相对而言比拟深邃的考题。而这些考题对于考生的知识面和思维才能都有必定的要求。最难的是,原来用中文来进行深刻的探讨以属不易,更何况还要用英文来表述这些有深度的思想!对于那些对分数要求较高,希望进入一些排名较好的大学的考生而言,第三部分的考题才是让自己脱颖而出的关键部分。


What is the reason why family members do not eat together anymore?

2. 情形对照类考题:

Should women stay at home or go out to look for jobs?

3. 时光对照

Explain different attitudes towards marriage between people in the past and now

4. 事物利弊

What are the advantages of people living in tourist attractions?

5. 预测未来

What should the government do to curb global warming?

6. 场景演练

Let’s say you are in charge of selection process of the volunteers for the Beijing 2008Olympic Games, what are you really looking in all the candidates?

7. 解决问题

What can the government do to encourage a healthy lifestyle enjoyed by all?

8. 影响后果

How have hi-tech products influenced music?

9. 方法方式

In what ways can teachers encourage students to focus on study?

10. 观点讯问

Which one do you think is more important, health or wealth?
