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XXX caused by the current urban scale。the n of the system

is poor。and traffic management and command XXX urban traffic order。As a means to complete urban traffic management and command。whether it is signal control。roadside and vehicle-mounted guidance。there must be road n as the basis。with corresponding mathematical models as the core mechanism。and XXX。XXX traffic command system can make n n。processing。

program n。and the multi-mode release of management and control ns XXX n of modern urban traffic.

XXX n services includes self-driving users。public transit passengers。taxi drivers and passengers。tourism users。and rental car users。With the further development of the social economy。the urban n and vehicles will continue to grow。and the road traffic XXX increasingly complex。In order to ce travel costs and XXX efficiency。the public travelers have begun to widely accept the use of comprehensive traffic n services to help choose travel modes and make travel plans。and to use timely grasp of traffic n during XXX.

Based on the existing basic business system。GPS data。traffic n data。road passing data。vehicle speed。flow rate and other basic data are collected on a large scale。It has played an XXX。each system operates independently。and data sharing has not been realized。Deep data mining has not been carried out on existing data。and there is a XXX。XXX analysis system。realizing the sharing and n of n across departments and systems。

is of great significance for improving the comprehensive management and n level of urban road traffic at all levels。realizing real-time and dynamic control of the traffic n status of the main roads in the city。and providing n-XXX。XXX。traffic control。emergency event handling。XXX。and traffic planning.

XXX "service-oriented XXX," clarify the development idea

of "intelligence in management。XXX。n of people。cars。roads。fields。and ns," and XXX。XXX。resource sharing。intelligent management。and social services。It aims to XXX。waterways。railways。n。and public XXX。XXX characteristics of urban

road traffic。with efficient and fast traffic data n and processing capabilities。n-making capabilities。XXX capabilities。It aims to realize the service system of XXX management and services with flat management。digital management。n ork。and office n。which is of high quality。efficient。XXX-saving。XXX.

