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三. 挖掘机中的液压元件
• 液压元件组成:动力元件、控制元件、执行元件、 辅件 • 动力元件:液压泵 • 控制元件:主控制阀组 • 执行元件:回转马达、行走马达、动臂油缸、斗杆 油缸、铲斗油缸。 • 辅件:油箱、散热器、蓄能器、电磁阀、比例阀、 先导滤清器、中央回转接头、液压管接件,操作手 柄等
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Any reproduction, distribution, utilization and communication of the contents contained in this document is prohibited without the expressed authorization. All rights reserved in the event of granting intellectual properties such as a patent,
• 动臂运动传输路线:柴油机—联轴节—液压泵(机械能转化为 液压能)—主阀—动臂油缸(液压能转化为机械能)—实现动 臂运动
• 斗杆运动传输路线:柴油机—联轴节—液压泵(机械能转化为 液压能)—主阀—斗杆油缸(液压能转化为机械能)—实现斗 杆运动
• 铲斗运动传输路线:柴油机—联轴节—液压泵(机械能转化为 液压能)—主阀—铲斗油缸(液压能转化为机械能)—实现铲 斗运动
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• 行走动力传输路线:柴油机—联轴节—液压泵(机械能转化为 液压能)—主阀—中央回转接头—行走马达(液压能转化为机 械能)—减速箱—驱动轮—轨链履带—实现行走
• 回转运动传输路线:柴油机—联轴节—液压泵(机械能转化为 液压能)—主阀—回转马达(液压能转化为机械能)—减速箱 —回转支承—实现回转
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Baidu Nhomakorabea
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1.液压系统的类型 按液压泵的特性可分为:定量系统,变量系统 按流量控制方式分为:简单节流控制,负流量控制,正流 量控制,负载敏感控制 按液压循环方式分为:开式系统和闭式系统
苏忠浩 20150717
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Any reproduction, distribution, utilization and communication of the contents contained in this document is prohibited without the expressed authorization. All rights reserved in the event of granting intellectual properties such as a patent,
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• 1.工作装置 • 2.回转机构 • 3.动力装置 • 4.液压 • 5.电气 • 6.下车机构 • 7.覆盖件
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Any reproduction, distribution, utilization and communication of the contents contained in this document is prohibited without the expressed authorization. All rights reserved in the event of granting intellectual properties such as a patent,
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• 一.挖掘机的功能结构简介 • 二.挖掘机中的液压油路 • 三. 挖掘机中的液压元件
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Any reproduction, distribution, utilization and communication of the contents contained in this document is prohibited without the expressed authorization. All rights reserved in the event of granting intellectual properties such as a patent,
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