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数据库技术是计算机软件的一个重要分支,它产生于20世纪60年代,最早是由IBM公司推出的IMS数据库系统。SQL Server是微软公司开发的数据库产品,SQL Server 2000被广泛使用,很多电子商务网站、企业内部信息化平台等都是基于SQL Server产品上。 SQL Server 2000 能够为数据管理与分析带来灵活性,其具有强大的功能。在现在的网络应用中,用户是网络应用的中心,如现今最风靡的校内网都是把用户放到了网络应用的第一位。而校内网的成功和风靡在很大程度上是因为它是一个真实的社交网络,校友信息管理系统也是利用了真实的社交网络进行设计和开发的。

随着互联网的发展,越来越多的交流社区应用被广泛的接受,这些社区的存在都是为了能够加强人与人之间的交流。在针对现有的系统进行调查,拟开发一套校友信息管理系统进行校友联络,这样不仅方便校友之间的联络,也能够加强老校友和新校友的感情。它是面向学生的一个畅通的校友沟通平台,它可以方便地实现校友与母校、校友与校友之间的沟通。现在众多高校都已经拥有了自己的校友信息管理系统网站,从而为学校与校友之间进行交流和联系搭建了一个方便、快捷、通畅的沟通平台。论文通过分析校友信息管理系统的特点,选用Java和SQL Server 2000数据库设计了一套具有注册登录、信息管理、查询信息、修改信息、增加信息、浏览信息等功能的校友信息管理系统,用于实现校友与母校、校友与校友之间的沟通。



Database technology is an important branch of computer software, which was produced in the 60 's in twentieth Century, and the IMS database system, which was first introduced by IBM company in. Server SQL is the database products of Microsoft Corp, Server SQL 2000 is widely used, many e-commerce sites, enterprise internal information platform, etc. are based on Server SQL products. Server SQL 2000 can bring the flexibility of data management and analysis, it has a powerful function. In today's network applications, the user is the center of network applications, such as the most popular in the campus network is the first place to put the user into the network application. The success and popularity of the campus network is largely because it is a real social network, the alumni information management system is also used to design and development of real social networks.

With the development of the Internet, more and more communication community is widely accepted. The existence of these communities is in order to strengthen the communication between people. In according to the existing system investigation, intends to develop a set of alumni an information management system for alumni, which is not only convenient liaison between the alumni, but also to strengthen the feelings of the old alumni and alumni. It is a smooth communication platform for students, which can easily realize the communication between alumni and alma mater, alumni and alumni. Now many colleges and universities have already had their own alumni website, so as to carry out exchanges and contacts between the school and alumni to build a convenient, fast and smooth communication platform. Through the analysis of the alumni record the characteristics of using Java and SQL Server 2000 database design a set with register and login, information management, information query, modify the information, add information, browse information and other functions of the alumni of the system, to realize the communication between alumni and their alma mater, alumni, and alumni.

Key words : Delphi alumni ; information management ; information management ; information ; modification ; database
