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It is time to do sth. to 后面跟动词原形。

It is time for sth. for后面跟的是名词或者动词ing 形式。2、"Why not +动词原形"表达向某人提出建议,翻译为:"为什么不...?" "干吗不...?"

3、Shall we+动词原形?表示征求对方意见,“我们...好吗?”


5、How/What about... ?提出某种建议,... 怎么样;... 好吗?

about 为介词,介词后加名词、动词ing 形式、代词等。

6、“have to+动词原形”不得不做某事。

7、“be helpful to+动词原形”有益于做某事。

8、“had better+动词原形”最好做某事。

9、“would like to /want to+动词原形”想要做某事。

10、Would you like some...?你想要点...?

11、“make sb +动词原形”使某人做某事。

12.How often do/does +主语+动词原形?某人多久一次做...

how often 提问频率

13、May/Can I ...?我可以...吗?

肯定回答:Sure/Certainly/Of course(, you can).

否定回答Sorry,you can’t./No,you can’t./I’m afraid not/I’m afraid you can’t.


can ,may,must,should,could,might+动词原形




1、It’s time to play the violin. 该拉小提琴了。

2、Can I go out to play?我可以出去玩吗?

3、I’ll play the violin right now.我马上将要拉小提琴。

4、How often do you drink milk?你多久喝一次牛奶?

How often does he/she drink milk?他/她多久喝一次牛奶?

5、What do you do every day?你每天做什么?

6、Why not go in your dad’s car?为什么不做你爸爸的车呢?

7、We should do something for our earth.我们应该对地球做点事情。

8、We should care for it.我们应该关爱它。

9、we have only one earth.我们只有一个地球。

10、What shall we take?我们将要带些什么呢?

11、When and where shall we meet?我们何时何地见面?

12、What a heavy rain!多么大的雨!

13、It was here just now。它刚才在这儿。

14、Was/Were there...thirty years ago?三十年前有什么吗?

Yes,there was/were.

No,there wasn’t/weren’t.

15、How many students were there at that time?在那个时候有多少学生?

16、Where were you yesterday?昨天你在哪儿?

17、What did you do……?你做了什么?

18、Where did you go……?你去了哪儿?

19、I’m sorry to hear that.听到那个我很难过。

20、What happened to her?她怎么了?

21、Did you ……?你做什么了吗?

Yes,I did. No,I didn’t.

22、Who did you go with?谁跟你去?

23、What do you think of our party?你认为我们的聚会怎么样?

24、They acted it well.他们表演的很给力。

25、How did you go there?怎么去哪儿?

26、Sorry.It doesn’t matter.对不起,没关系。


Play the violin 拉小提琴do eye exercises做眼保健操play sports参加体育运动learn English 学英语

have a rest休息一下take out the book拿出书

brush one’s teeth刷牙right now立刻,马上

half past...几点半go out to play出去玩

It’s time to ...该做...了of course当然

for an hour持续一个小时at that time在那时

take a walk散步play ping-pong打乒乓球play tennis打网球go boating去划船

go skating去滑冰go shopping去购物

look healthy看起来健康healthy food健康的食物

a lot of许多how often多久一次every day每天be good for对...有好处in the morning在上午

in the afternoon在下午twice a week一周两次once a month一月一次three times三次

do well in擅长(be good at) run after追赶

in the day在白天at night在晚上

pick flowers摘花cut down trees砍树

make the air dirty污染空气waste water浪费水drive a car开车care for the earth关爱地球have to 不得不,必须why not为什么不
