江苏省淮阴中学开明分校2019-2020学年初二英语八上Unit 7寒假作业(word版有答案)

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Unit 7 Seasons


1. 看上去酷 _______________________________

2. 感觉酷(凉快) _______________________________

3. 什么都没穿_______________________________

4. 忘记了生长 _______________________________

5. 一年中的季节 _______________________________

6. 远飞_______________________________

7. 在一个温暖晴朗的日子里_______________________________

8. 一个放风筝的极好时节 _______________________________

9. 在外面踢足球的最佳时间 _______________________________

10. 在花丛中嬉戏 _______________________________

11. 对夏日的……甜蜜的回忆 _______________________________

12. 落地成堆_______________________________

13. 忙着收庄稼_______________________________

14. 在雪季_______________________________

15. 在一个炎热的夏日的下午 _______________________________

16. 描述春天的天气_______________________________

17. 覆盖整个地面_______________________________

18. 降到零度以下_______________________________

19. 在静静的小河边玩 _______________________________

20. 在树荫下_______________________________


1. 遮住太阳________________________________

2. 从早到晚_________________________________

3. 踢球_________________________________

4. 得重感冒_________________________________

5. 发高烧_________________________________

6. 咳得厉害_________________________________

7. 糟糕的一天_________________________________

8. 降到零度以下至零下十度_________________________________

9. 伴随着气温在三十多度_________________________________

10. 这周剩下的时间_________________________________

11. 伴随着白天气温大约18或19度_________________________________

12. 有点干冷_________________________________

13. 风正猛烈地吹着。_________________________________

14. 使人们困倦_________________________________

15. 这场突如其来的大雨_________________________________

16. 引起很多问题_________________________________

17. 被厚厚的白雪覆盖_________________________________

18. 向彼此扔雪球_________________________________

19. 堆雪人_________________________________

20. 打雪仗是很令人兴奋的。_________________________________


1. The radio says tomorrow will be a __________________________ (有雪的) day.

2. The __________________________ (温度) was below zero last week.

3. We were surprised to find that the price of meat _____________ (下降) a little yesterday.

4. These boys had fun _________________________ (踢) stones in the playground just now.

5. My husband had a high __________________________ (发烧) last night.

6. The poor boy __________________________ (咳嗽) a lot last week but now he is well.

7. What an __________________________ (糟糕的) holiday he had in the USA!

8. __________________________ (暴风雪) may lead to heavy traffic.

9. The funny dog follows its master __________________________ (到处).

10. The __________________________ (陆地) is so quiet and beautiful in winter.

11. The height of the building is __________________________ (大约) 10 metres.

12. When the temperature is below zero, the water will turn into __________________ (冰).

13. T he ___________________ (其余的部分) of the money is not enough for the big house.

14. It is over 35 __________________________ (度数) outside now.

15. Mr. Kang was a __________________________ (一点) tired these days.

16. It’s impolite of children to have______________________________ (打架) with others.

17. I __________________________ (给...电话) Mr. Kang and asked him for help.

18. After taking the medicine, the girl felt even __________________________ (困倦的).

19. Sheep Without A Shepherd is ________________________ (激动人心的) film in 2019.

20. The __________________________ (突然的) car accident killed many people.

21. If the rain keeps falling, it __________________________ (引起) a flood soon.

22. When we were playing outside, a few __________________________ (雪球) hit me.

23. I hate __________________________ (有雨的) days because I can’t go outside.

24.__________________________ (throw) rubbish everywhere is not a good habit.

25. We can see a lot of dark __________________________ (cloud) before it rains.

26. A strong wind came and __________________________ (blow) my hat away.

27. Speak __________________________ (loud), and then we can hear you more clearly.

28. Of all the rivers in our city, Sunshine River is __________________________ (deep).

29. It’s a good idea to use carrots for __________________________ (snowman) noses.

30. He told me that the sun __________________________ (rise) slowly in the east.


31. We were all wet because it rained suddenly and heavily.

We were all wet because of the _______________ _______________ ______________.
