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In the 21st cen tury, clouds and stormy weather no Ion ger automatically bring operati ons to a halt or force a change in targets (目标). Tech no logies such as the Global

Positi oning

System now allow cruise missiles (巡航导弹)and other smart weap ons to home in on (瞄准并

飞速接近)their targets. But the weather still is a factor that must be reckoned with, especially

with precisi on-guided weap ons that must be

highly accurate (高度精确)to be effective.

Fort un ately, the ability to obta in weather

forecasts will get better .In the n ext few years,

remote weather sensors (传感器)will grow rapidly on unmanned vehicles. This will create a network of observing platforms that will give

comma nders an in sta nt overview of weather in

the battle zone (战场).In some areas you 'have

direct delivery of weather information straight

from the computes to black boxes in aircraft and other vehicles. That will be especially important for target-bound aircraft (瞄准目标的飞行器).

Such tech no logy will give whoever possess it a tremendous edge (优势)over their enemy and

en able them to use develop ing weather

conditions to their advantage . As we get superior satellites into space, we 'Iga in huge adva ntages

in observ ing meteorological con diti ons in denied areas (盲区),where we don ' have

people on the ground. And our modeling ability will continue to improve as our computers get more powerful . The past 10 years have wit nessed a revoluti on in our com muni cati ons

and computer abilities. It ' exciting to think of what the n ext 10

years will bring.













The automobile industry(汽车产业)is one of

the most importa nt in dustries in the world,

affect ing not only the economy but also the

cultures of the world. It provides jobs for milli ons of people, gen erates billio ns of dollars in

worldwide revenues (税收),and provides the basis for a large nu mber of related service and support

in dustries. Automobiles revolutio ni zed
