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▪老题型:Reading Selectively or Extensively?



▪3. 我的看法

▪新题型:Online Shopping

▪1. 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚

▪2. 网上购物有很多好处(利),但也有不少问题(弊)

▪3. 我的建议







6.1 支持方观点(利或好处)


▪支持方主题句1:There are some individuals arguing that ____ is of great importance/ benefit.

▪☆支持方主题句2:A number of individuals favor / advocate _____ ( based on the following viewpoints). (推荐)

▪支持方主题句3:Those who are in favor of ____ claim that ____ is / are superior to ____ .

▪☆支持(观点)1:(In their eyes,) without _______ , it is impossible for individuals to ________(只要是分析好处,或支持永远都可以用)▪☆支持(观点)2:Another evident advantage/ merit/ benefit is that ____ may offer /provide entertainment/ pleasure/ an enjoyable life. (只要是分析好处,或支持永远都可以用)

▪☆支持(观点)3: What makes them convinced is that ____ is of great value/necessity /significance for them to _____.

▪☆支持(观点)4:(From their viewpoints,) _____ will definitely promote the development/efficiency of _____, which, otherwise, would be impossible.

▪支持(观点)5:They firmly believe that ____ will enable them to enrich their social/academic / professional experience and broaden their horizons.

支持(观点)范例:2008-06: 题目:Recreational Activities

* 1. 娱乐活动多种多样

* 2.娱乐可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性

* 3. 作为大学生我的看法

* 2.娱乐可能使人们受益,(请思考网购好处)

主题句:There are some individuals arguing that recreational activities are of great benefit. 支持(观点)1:(In their eyes,) without these activities, it is impossible for individuals to reduce/ ease the pressure of work or study. 支持(观点)2:Another evident advantage is that participating in these activities may provide an enjoyable life. (50词) 参考网购好处:There are some individuals arguing that online shopping is of great benefit. 支持(观点)1:(In their eyes,) without this means, it is impossible for individuals to stay home and purchase their favorite goods. 支持(观点)2:Another evident advantage is that online shopping may provide an enjoyable life, because while shopping one can also listen to music, or watch movies. (61词)

6.2 反方观点(弊或危害)



主题句1:Even so, others hold a different view that ____ carries some risks/doubts. (推荐使用)

主题句2:Others, however, regard it differently.

*主题句3:Although it is advantageous /beneficial/ rewarding/ good/popular, others have an opposite perspective.

*Although it is beneficial, Beneficial as it is,(as引导让步状语从
