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Shake to Nuke transition guide默认分类 2008-08-14 14:42:15 阅读71 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 .


In the same way that there's a Shake to Fusion transition guide that explains what the Fusion equivalent of each Shake node is, I've spent some time recently compiling something similar for Shake to Nuke.

So far, I've got to the end of the Layer nodes. Even though they aren't, I've included the NFX plugins on the Nuke side.

If there's anything in here that you think should be different (I don't know Nuke well enough in a lot of places) then please let me know.

Eventually I'll put this on a standalone website (is there a Nuke-based Wiki?)

Any Nuke node that begins with "N_" is part of the NFX Plugins bundle which is a free external plugin suite.
The Fields Kit gives Nuke the functionality to deal with interlaced footage.

(+) Means that Nuke's is better
(-) Means that Nuke's is worse
(=) Means that Nuke's is the same
(?) Means that I've not used it enough (in one or other package) to make a reasonable comparison
(~) Means that Nuke's is different
(X) Means that Nuke, as far as I am aware, doesn't have it or a direct equivalent

Checker -> Checkerboard (+)
Color -> Constant (=)
ColorWheel (X)
FileIn -> Read (=)
FileOut -> Write (=)
Grad (X) Could be recreated with a couple of Ramp nodes and some grading
QuickPaint -> Paint (-)
QuickShape -> Bezier (+)
Ramp -> Ramp (+)
Rand -> N_Rand (+)
RGrad -> Radial (-)
RotoShape -> Bezier (-)
Text -> N_Text (+)

Add -> N_Add (=)
AdjustHSV -> HSVTool (?)
Brightness -> Multiply (=)
Clamp -> N_Clamp (+)
ColorCorrect -> ColorCorrect (?)
ColorMatch (X)
ColorReplace (X)
ColorSpace -> ColorSpace (+)
ColorX -> Expression (=)
Compress -> N_Compress (=)
ContrastLum (X) Can be recreated by converting to HLS (with ColorSpace) and doing a normal Contrast
ContrastRGB -> RolloffContrast (+)
Expand -> N_Expand (=)
Fade -> Multiply (=)
Gamma -> Gamma (-)
HueCurves -> HueCorrect (?)
Invert -> Invert (=)
LogLin -> Log2Lin (=)
Lookup -> Lookup (=)
LookupFile -> Lookup (=)
LookupHLS (X) Recreate by converting to HLS with a ColorSpace and doing a Lookup
LookupHSV (X) Recreate by converting to HSV with a ColorSpace and doing a Lookup
MDiv -> Unpremult (=)
MMult -> Premult (=)
Monochrome -> N_MonoChrome (=)
Mult -> N_Mult (=)
Reorder -> Shuffle (+)
Saturation -> Saturation (+)
Set (X) Do with Remove (the wanted channel(s)) then Add the same channel(s) with the right value
SetAlpha (X) As Set
SetBGColor (X)
Solarize (X) A Lookup going (0,0 -> 1,0.5 -> 0,1) - move the middle point left and right.
Threshold (X)
Truelight -> Truelight (=)
VideoSafe (X)

ApplyFilter (X)
Blur -> Blur (+)
Convolve -> Convolve (~)
Defocus -> Defocus (+)
DilateErode -> Erode (fast/filter/blur) (?)
EdgeDetect -> EdgeDetect (=)
Emboss -> Emboss (?)
FilmGrain -> Film Grain Simulati

on (?)
Grain -> Film Grain Simulation (?)
IBlur (X) Could probably be faked with ZBlur
IDefocus (X) Could probably be faked with ZDefocus
IDilateErode (X)
IRBlur (X)
ISharpen (X)
Median -> Median (+)
PercentBlur -> Blur (+)
Pixelize -> Blocky (=) Blocky isn't in the main menus, but can be found under "Other -> All Plugins -> B" (need to press "update menu"). This may be because it's buggy.
RBlur -> GodRays (~)
Sharpen -> Sharpen (+)
ZBlur -> ZBlur (?)
ZDefocus -> ZDefocus (?) The ZDefocus node isn't in the main menus, but can be found under "Other -> All Plugins -> Z" (need to press "update menu"). This may be because it's buggy.

ChromaKey -> HueKeyer (=)
DepthKey -> Keyer (?) Luminance Key with the Input set to Depth
DepthSlice -> ZSlice (-)
LumaKey -> Keyer (-)
Primatte -> Primatte (=)
SpillSuppress (X)
Keylight -> IBK (~) Different, but much nicer!

AddMix -> AddMix (=)
AddText -> N_Text (+)
Atop -> Merge (atop) (=)
Common (X)
Constraint (X)
Copy -> Copy (+)
IAdd -> Merge (plus) (=)
IDiv -> Merge (divide) (=)
IMult -> Merge (multiply) (-) If both A < 0 and B < 0 then the result is 0 instead of >0. A Shake-style IMult can be done with the expression node, or by multiplying both inputs by -1, doing a Merge (multiply) and the Maxing the result with the original result.
Inside -> Merge (in) (=)
Interlace (X)
ISub -> Merge (minus) (=)
ISubA -> Merge (difference) (=)
KeyMix -> Keymix (=)
LayerX -> MergeExpression (=)
Max -> Merge (max) (=)
Min -> Merge (min) (=)
Mix -> Dissolve (=)
MultiLayer -> Merge (-)
MultiPlane -> 3D System (+++)
Outside -> Merge (out) (=)
Over -> Merge (over) (=)
Screen -> Merge (screen) (=)
SwitchMatte -> Copy (-) (A and B are swapped, and doesn't premult)
Under -> Merge (under) (=)
Xor -> Merge (xor) (=)
ZCompose -> ZMerge (=)
And the "Transform" tab in Shake...

AutoAlign (X)
CameraShake -> CameraShake (+)
CornerPin -> CornerPin (+)
Crop -> Crop (=) with "reformat" on
Fit -> Reformat (~)
Flip -> Mirror (=)
Flop -> Mirror (=)
MatchMove (X)
Move2D -> Transform (-)
Move3D -> Card3D (+)
Orient (X)
Pan -> Position (=)
Resize -> Reformat (~)
Rotate -> Transform (+)
Scale -> Transform (+)
Scroll -> Transform (+)
SetDOD -> Crop (=) with "reformat" off
Shear -> Transform (-) Only does X shear (skew)
Stabilize -> Tracker (+)
SmoothCam (X)
Tracker -> Tracker (~)
Viewport -> Reformat (~) with "resize type" on "none"
Window -> Crop (=)
Zoom -> Reformat (-) Doesn't allow you to set a zoom level
DisplaceX (X) Although STMap does UV texturing
IDisplace -> IDistort (=)
LensWarp -> PerspDistort (-)
Morpher (X)
PinCushion (X)
Randomize -> N_Scatter (+)
Turbulate (X) Workaround with N_Rand, scaled up (Transform) then the R and H channels copied into forward.u and forward.v of the image to turbulate. Then use an IDistort node.
Twirl -> Twist (?) Twist isn't in the main menus, but can be found under "Other -> All Plugins -> T" (need t

o press "update menu"). This may be because it's buggy. You need to up the "Mesh Density" otherwise it'll just look like it's rotating.
Warper -> SplineWarp (+) with "mapping" on
WarpX (X)
AddBorders (X)
AddShadow (X) But so easily doable by hand
Bytes (X) Unneeded - everything is float internally
Cache (X) Not as a node, but I believe CTRL-B on a node does the same thing
DeInterlace (X)
DropShadow (X) See AddShadow
Field (X)
Histogram -> Histogram (~) More like PhotoShop's "Levels"
PixelAnalyzer -> CurveTool (+)
PlotScanline -> Sampler (~) Shows it as a curve rather than drawing on screen
Select -> Switch (=)
SwapFields (X)
Tile -> ContactSheed (+)
TimeX -> TimeWarp (+) or any of the other Time nodes. Anything's better than Shake's TimX
TLCalibrate (X)
Transition -> AppendClip (~)
