高一上英语新世纪unit 3翻译句子

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Unit 3

1. 许多年轻人习惯用e-mail相互联系。(communicate)

2. 我们抵达纽约时, 那儿碰巧在下雪。( happen)

3. 你将为你的言行受到惩罚。(punish)

4. 你知道在什么场合下使用正规问候语吗? (situation)

5. 那位科学家常装病以回避客人。(pretend)

6. 他非常不喜欢别人跟他说谎。(stand)

7. 下午课堂上学生容易睡着。(tend)

8. 在英语国家里人们一般不打听别人的私事。(ask about, private affairs)

9. 他总是忘记跟家里打电话, 令父母很不安。(which)

10. 我们非常感谢老师为我们提供了好书。(grateful, provide)

11. 据说比赛结果将通过公开信的形式公布。(form)

12. 在公共场所抽烟被认为是没有礼貌的。(manners)

13. 我们难免受到广告的影响。(avoid)

14. 不懂装懂的人什么也学不会。(pretend)

15. 我们正考虑明天早饭吃什么。(consider)

16. 一旦养成坏习惯, 就很难改掉它。(once)

17. 我第一次写英语作文时, 犯了许多拼写错误。(the first time)

18. 除非你们互相合作, 否则你们很难完成任务。(unless)

19. 钢琴家所到之处,都给观众留下了很深刻的印象。(wherever, impression)

20. 在公开场合下讲英语我感到紧张。(in public)

21. 有些打招呼的话只用于十分正式的场合。(in very formal situations)

22. 乘飞机时到那里最快的方式。(means)

23. 思想由文字来表达。(by means of)

24. 你请老师参加你上星期天的生日聚会了吗?(invite sb. to sth.)

25. 我爸爸上月去北京出差了。(on business)

1. 许多年轻人习惯用e-mail相互联系。(communicate)

Many young people are used to communicating with each other by e-mail.

2. 我们抵达纽约时, 那儿碰巧在下雪。( happen)

When we arrived in New York, it happened to be snowing.

3. 你将为你的言行受到惩罚。(punish)

You will get punished for what you have said and done.

4. 你知道在什么场合下使用正规问候语吗? (situation)

Do you know in what situations formal greetings are used?

5. 那位科学家常装病以回避客人。(pretend)

That scientist often pretends to be ill to avoid guests.

6. 他非常不喜欢别人跟他说谎。(stand)

He can’t stand other s lying to him.

7. 下午课堂上学生容易睡着。(tend)

Students tend to fall asleep in the afternoon classes.

8. 在英语国家里人们一般不打听别人的私事。(ask about, private affairs)

In English-speaking countries, people usually do not ask about private affairs.

9. 他总是忘记跟家里打电话, 令父母很不安。(which)

He always forgets to call back home, which makes his parents very worried.

10. 我们非常感谢老师为我们提供了好书。(grateful, provide)

We are most grateful to our teachers for providing us with good books.

11. 据说比赛结果将通过公开信的形式公布。(form)

It is said that the result of the match will be announced in the form of open letters.

12. 在公共场所抽烟被认为是没有礼貌的。(manners)

It is considered bad manners to smoke in public.

13. 我们难免受到广告的影响。(avoid)

We can’t avoid being influenced by advertisements.

14. 不懂装懂的人什么也学不会。(pretend)

Those who pretend to know what they don’t know will learn nothing.

15. 我们正考虑明天早饭吃什么。(consider)

We are now considering what to eat for tomorrow’s breakfast. 16. 一旦养成坏习惯, 就很难改掉它。(once)

Once you have formed a bad habit, it is very hard to get rid of it. 17. 我第一次写英语作文时, 犯了许多拼写错误。(the first time) The first time I wrote a composition in English, I made a lot of spelling mistakes.

18. 除非你们互相合作, 否则你们很难完成任务。(unless)

Unless you cooperate with each other, it will be hard for you to complete the task.

19. 钢琴家所到之处,都给观众留下了很深刻的印象。(wherever, impression)
