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Unit 1 What’s the matter?


1、What’s the matter(with you)? = What’s the trouble (with you)? = What’s wrong (with you)? =What happens/happened (to you)?你怎么了?其中you为宾格。(me/ her/him/us/them) 答语:I have a stomachache. 我胃痛。

have a cold 感冒 have a (high)fever 发(高)烧 have a cough/cough 咳嗽 have a sore back背痛 have a sore throat 喉咙痛 have a toothache牙痛 have a headache 头痛have a heart problem有心脏病have a nosebleed流鼻血 have a serious accident遇到严重的意外 have problems breathing 呼吸困难 hurt oneself 受伤 fall down 摔倒 feel sick 感到恶心 feel very hot 感到很热 cut oneself 割伤某人自己 cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 hurt his back 伤到了后背 get hit on the head 头部挨打 get hit by a ball 被球击中 get sunburned 晒伤 talk too much 说得太多

2、----What should I do? 我该怎么办呢?

---- You should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下休息一会儿。

或You shouldn’t eat so much next time. 下次你不应该吃这么多。

drink enough water 喝足够的水 drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 lie down and rest 躺下来休息 take breaks/take a break 休息 rest for a few days 休息几天get some rest 休息see a dentist 看牙医 go to a doctor 看医生 go to the hospital 去医院get an X-ray 拍X 光片take one’s(my/your/her/his/) temperature 量体温 put some medicine on sth.在……上敷药 put a bandage on sth.用绷带包扎 bandage himself 给他自己包扎put her head down 把她的头下低run it under water 在水流下冲洗

3、(1)、Should I put some medicine on it? 我应该在它上面敷些药吗?

Yes, you should./ No, you shouldn’t. 是的,你应该。/ 不,你不应该。

(2)、Do you have a fever? 你发烧了吗?Yes, I do./ No, I don’t./ I don’t know. Does he have a toothache? 他牙痛吗?Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

二、同义词组:1、on the weekend =on weekends 周末 2、right away=at once= right now = in a minute立刻;马上 3、(all) by oneself= alone 单独 4、have a good/great time=have a good day=have fun=enjoy oneself玩得高兴,过得愉快 5、get to= arrive in+大地点 / at+小地点=reach 到达6、be interested in(sth/doing sth.) = take/have an interest in(sth/doing sth.) 对……感兴趣 7、be sick /ill= fall ill生病 8、run out (of) = use up 用完

三、 1、away from 远离 2、next to 紧挨着3、①save an old man 拯救一位老人②save

a life 挽救生命③lose one’s life/ lives 丧命4、go along 沿着……走 5、on the side of the road 在马路边 6、mountain climbing 登山运动7、go mountain climbing 去爬山 8、in a difficult situation 在困境屮{difficulty n.(可数)困难----difficult adj.困难的} in a very dangerous situation 在非常危险的情境中 9、hit an old man 撞了一位老人 10、shout for help 大声呼救 shout back 大声回应 11、play basketball/soccer/volleyball打篮球/足球/排球 12、go home回家 go to school去学校 13、come in 进来talk about health problems 谈论健康问题 .

四、重点词组、用法1、(1)used to do sth 过去常常做某事 (2)be/get used to doing sth. 习惯做某事(be used to taking risks 习惯于冒险) 2、人+run out of /(物+run out)用完;用尽 3、(1)so that 以便 (2)so. +形容词. .+ that(such+名词+that)如此……以至于…

(3)形容词/副词+ enough(enough + 名词) to do sth 足够……去做某事 enough stress(名词)from school 来自于学校的足够的压力get enough sleep(名词)有足够的睡眠(4)too ……to do sth 太……而不能去做某事 4、sound (like) + 形容词听起来(像) It’s doesn’t sounds like you have a fever.听起来你不像发烧。(有相同用法的还有:feel感觉、摸/smell闻/look
