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happy sad glad loud

quiet angry careful hard

fast good quick weak

bad excited busy heavy

slow clear early late

lucky high polite hungry

easy far full deep


1、The boy laughed at her(loud).

2、She said to her little brother(quiet).

3、Her mother got out from the room(angry).

4、“ Thank you!” said the lion(happy).

5、The mouse walk past the room(careful).

6、Sam was(angry) and he hit the ball(hard).

7、He opened the present(slow).

8、Tim got hurt and he cried(sad) on the floor.

9、Jack is running(fast) in the playground.

10、The man was tired, he walked(slow) on the pavement.

11、He is very(hungry) and can not run(fast).

12、The children are talking about their hobbies(excited).

13、Please look at the blackboard(careful).

14、Be(careful)! There is a car running to you(quick).

15、The woman is shouting at her son(loud).

16、Listen! The birds are singing songs(happy).

17、Lily is a(quiet) girl, she is reading(quiet).

18、Listen(care)! The teacher is looking at you.

19、The hole is too(deep) , Sam can not reach it.

20、He brings some water (quick) and pours it into the hole.

21、I can play table tennis very(good).

22、She is a(good) swimmer and she can swim(good).

23、You should study(hard) in the school.

24、My grandmother told us a(sad) story, all of us are(sad).

25、“ Please don’ t eat me!” said the mouse(qiet).

26、All of the students cheered for them(loud).

27、I usually get up(early) in the morning.

28、“ Don’ t go to school (late)!” said her mother (loud).

29、She finishes her homewok(easy).

30、She’ s(luck). Her kite flies(high) in the sky.
