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Principal本金;interest rate利率;simple interest单利;compound interest复利;investment rate投资率;Investment rate of return投资收益率;disbursement支出;earning收入;Cash flow(stream)现金流;Cash flow diagram现金流量图;compounding interest复利;irrigation灌溉;melting snow融雪;amount of water 水流量;cost成本;benefit效益;identification识别;proposal提案;reservoir水库;CCA(cultivable commanded area)可耕地面积;sunk cost滞留成本,沉默成本;CBA(cost benefit analysis)成本收益分析;the Gross benefit毛收益;externality 外部效益,间接效益;linkage连带效益;multiplier增值效益;welfare economist福利经济学家;social advancement社会进步;social amenities社会福利设施;balance sheet资产负债表;Flood Control Act防洪法;social welfare社会福利;mutually exclusive互斥的;present worth现值;general price level综合物价水平;expenditure财政支出;operating cost运营成本;real estate房地产;production goods生产品;consumer goods消费品;interest period利息期;net benefit净收益;net future value(NFV)净终值;net present value(NPV)净现值;owner业主;compound-amount factor复利因子;water turbine水轮机;generator 发电机;renewable energy source可再生能源;head水头;hydroelectric power plant水力发电厂;direct current station直流电站;thermal plant热能厂;transmission and distribution输配电;public electricity network公共电力网;Private commercial purposes私人商业用电;peak-load最高负荷;water power水力发电;steam engine蒸汽机;pumped-storage plant抽水蓄能电站;reservoir水库;Tidal power plant潮汐电站;thermal difference温差;Be proportional to 与…成比例;Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion(OTEC)system海洋热能转换系统;pumped storage hydroelectricity抽书蓄能水电;The Three Gorges Dam三峡大坝;largest construction project最大建筑工程;power generation发电量;flood control防洪;hydroelectric dam水电站大坝;Installed power generation capacity发电装机容量;cofferdam围堰;construction施工,建筑;temporary ship lock临时船闸;damming截流;diversion channel导流明渠;permanent ship lock永久船闸;diversion outlet导流孔;spillway dam溢流坝;normal level of the water正常蓄水水位;normal pool level正常水位;flood diversion structure分洪建筑物;power generation发电;navigation航运;tourism旅游;water conservancy水利;turbine generation unit水轮发电机组;two-way five-level permanent ship lock双向五级永久船闸;sluice gate闸门;civil engineering土木工程;power plant发电厂;water and sewage system给排水系统;mass transit公共交通;public facilities

公共设施;scope范围;technical specialty 技术专业;surveyed and mapped测量绘制;transportation network交通网络;project quality management工程质量管理;overall management function全面的管理职能;quality policy质量方针;

quality planning质量计划;quality control质量控制;quality assurance质量保证;quality improvement质量改进;quality system质量系统;interface接口,界面;Total Quality Management(TQM)全面质量管理;Continuous Improvement持续改善(理论);project team项目小组;employee turnover职员离职率;project manager 项目经理;activity definition工序定义;activity sequencing工序顺序;activity duration estimating工序工期估测;schedule development编制进度表;进度控制;

1.what’s the simple interest?

when a simple interest rate is quoted,the interest earned is directly proportional to the capital involved in the loan。

2.what’s the Time Value of Money?

Money has the capacity to generate more money.If a given sum of money is deposited in a savings account ,it earns interest;if it is used to purchase corporate stock,it earns dividends ;if it is used to purchase a warehouse that is then rented to a business firm ,it earns rent. Thus,as time elapses the original sum of money expands the accretion of these periodic earnings.

3.what’s the interest rate?

the time rate at which a sum of money earn interest is known as the interest rate; it is expressed as the ratio of the interest earned during a given period to the sum of money that is earing interest.

4.what’s the hydroelectricity?

Hydroelectricity is a form of hydropower that used the energy released as a result of water falling,or flowing downhill or by wave-differences,under the influence of gravity to produce electricity.

5.what’s the head?

The energy that may be extracted from water depends not only on the volume but on the difference in height between the water impoundment(or surce) and the water out flow. this height difference is called the head.

6.advantages and disadvantages水利发电系统优/劣势

The chief advantage of hydro system is their capacity to handle seasonal(as well as daily) high peak loads. Concerns have been raised that large hydroelectric projects might be disruptive to the surrounding ecosystem.

7.what’s the water power?
