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1.In the 100 elements available to us, about three quarters can be classified as

metals. And, about half of these are of at least some industrial or commercial importance. Metals, be they pure or alloy, can be further defined as being ferrous or nonferrous in make up. Ferrous alloys are those in which the base or primary metal is iron, manganese, chromium. All other metallic materials automatically fall into the non-ferrous category(范畴).


2.Direct reduction offers a number of advantages including low investment

expenditure and the use of cheap primary energy instead of coke. Consequently, this technique offers may developing countries the possibility of building up

a national steel industry. In fact, direct reduction combined with electric arc

furnace must in future be considered among the important steel production techniques alongside the blast furnace and oxygen converter technique.


3.In September 2004, the National Cancer Institute announced an initiative to

bring new blood to an old and desperate fight. Called the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in cancer, the initiative will wager $144.3 million over the

next 5 years that nanotechnology will open entirely new and effective strategies for diagnosing and treating cancer. It’s a well-funded sign that expectations for nanotech solutions to cancer extend to the highest governmental levels, and it comes at a time when the battle against the disease seems to be at a standstill.

Unlike death rates for heart disease and stroke, which have declined drastically, cancer mortality has n’t changed since the 1950s.

2004年9月,美国国家癌症研究所宣布了一项重大举措,给这场古老而顽强的抗癌之战注入了新的活力。这个被称为国家癌症研究所癌症纳米技术联盟的行动将在未来5年投资1.443亿美元促使纳米技术开辟一个全新、有效的诊断及治疗癌症的途径。这是一个资金雄厚的标志,也显示人们对纳米技术治疗癌症的关注程度已经上升到最高层的政府层面。在抗击癌症之战几乎陷入停顿之时,它来的正是时候。与近来死亡率处于下降趋势的心脏病和中风不同,自从20世纪50年代起,癌症的死亡率就一直居高不下。4.THE European Central Bank (ECB) decided a year ago to hold this week’s

monetary-policy meeting in Barcelona, but the timing turned out to be perfect.

Spain is in the crosshairs of the markets, not least because of budgetary overruns by regional gover nments such as Catalonia’s. And the contrasting economic fortunes of beaten-up Spain, where the jobless rate has reached 24%, and resilient Germany, where it is below 6%, exemplify the difficulty of finding the right monetary policy in a currency union of 17 members.

