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3. 语态形式
英语新闻标题中的动词表示被动语态 时,被动语态结构“be+过去分词”形式 时,被动语态结构“be+过去分词”形式 中的助词“be”,通常被省略,也经常不 中的助词“be”,通常被省略,也经常不 用“by”来引出动作的执行者,剩下的过 用“by”来引出动作的执行者,剩下的过 去分词在标题里就可直接表示被动意 义。读者切忌将之误解为该动词的过去 式
Answers to Task One
I. 1. higher earnings 2. increase spending 3. Two hundred million 4. two hundred twenty-five thousand million twenty5. near their home country 6. brain drain II. 1. A 2. C 3. A
(3) 省略人称代词
Mother, Daughter Share Fulbright Year (=A Mother and Her Daughter Share a Fulbright) (Fulbright富布莱特法案基金) (Fulbright富布莱特法案基金) China Launches First Manned Spacecraft (=China Launches Its First Manned Spacecraft) 中国第一次发射载人飞船
(3) 现在分词直接表示正在进行的动作或事件 D.TV Coverage Widening 数字电视覆盖面在拓宽 IT Sector Growing Fast 信息技术行业增长迅速 BBC Considering Starting Global Television Service 英国广播公司正在考虑开展全球电视业务 Deposits, Loans Rising In Shanghai 上海储蓄与贷款额见升
4. 标点符号在标题中的运用
(1)用逗号代替“and”, 这样可省略篇幅。 (1)用逗号代替“and”, China’s Oldest, Longest Bridge Found in Xi’an Laurel, Aquino Cut Ties
(2)破折号常被放置在不用引号的引言前 (2)破折号常被放置在不用引号的引言前 后,以引出说话者 U.S. Marines Whereabouts Unknown — Lebanese Family 被劫人质家属曾,美国海军陆战队员下 落不明
China First Moon Probe to Blast Off in 2006 中国拟在2006年发射探月飞船 中国拟在2006年发射探月飞船 Russian Defense Minister to Visit China 俄罗斯国防部长拟防华 India, Pakistan to Resume Border Talk 印度、 印度、巴基斯坦拟重开边界谈判
Comeback Gives China a Sensational Thomas Cup Win 中国队反败为胜荣获汤姆斯杯 注意:当标题中出现时间状语时,动词用 过去时。 Unemployment in U.K. Increased in October 十月份英国失业率上升
(2) 动词的将来时更多地用动词不定式表达
(5)省略助动词 )
Forecast of Mexican Quake Accurate, But Ignored 【= Forecast of Mexican Quake (is) Accurate, But (is) Ignored】 虽准确预测到墨西哥地震但却未得到重视 Financier Killed By Burglars 【=A Financier (Is) Killed By Burglars 】 毛贼入室金融家遇害
2. 时态表述
英语新闻标题中常用的动词时态主要有 三种“一般现在时、一般将来时和现在 进 行时:
(1)一般现在时通常用来表示过去发生的事 )
Greece Wins Euro Championship 希腊赢的欧洲冠军 Russian Leader Meets Fidel Castro In Cuba 卡斯特罗在古巴会见俄罗斯领导人 Gunfire, Explosions Rock Mumbai Hotel 孟买一家酒店遭炮火炸弹袭击
China’s Oldest, Longest Bridge Found in Xi’an (China’s Oldest and Longest Bridge Found in Xi’an) Laurel, Aquino Cut Ties (Laurel and Aquino Cut Ties)
Economy Grows Slowly As Unemployment, Inflation Rise —Economists (= Economists say that the Economy Grows Slowly As Unemployment and Inflation Rise ) 经济学家认为:失业率及通货膨胀加剧使 得经济增长缓慢
(3)冒号除了用在引语之前表示“说”外,还 (3)冒号除了用在引语之前表示“说”外,还 经常被用来代替联系动词“be”。 经常被用来代替联系动词“be”。 Study: African Oil Boom Presents Challenges Source: Missing Marines Tells FamilyHe’s Safe U.N.: 2001 Temperature to Be High Shanghai: Shanghai:Resplendent Pearl of New China (= Shanghai Is Resplendent Pearl of New China) China) 上海:新中国的璀璨明珠
9. US, Russia Warned of Repeat of Cold War = The US and Russia Are Warned of a Repeat of the Cold War 10. Chinese Stocks Sink to Record Low amid Growing Inflation Concerns = The Chinese Stocks Sink to a Record Low amid the Growing Inflation Concerns
Video Shows (the) Beheading of American Hostage 录像显示美国人质被斩首 (The) World’s First Mechanical Heart Implanted 世界第一例人工心脏移植成功 37 Killed in (an) Italian Plane Crash 意一飞机坠毁三十七人遇难
US Shocked By Worst Attack Since Pearl Harbor 【= (The) US (IS) Shocked By (the) Worst Attack Since (the) Pearl Harbor (Incident) 】 美国为自珍珠港事件后遭受到最严重的袭击而震惊 Pope To Visit Japan In February 【= Pope (Is) To Visit Japan In February】 教皇拟于二月访日 India Mending Fences 【= India Is Mending Fences】 印度正在改善与邻国的关系
US, Vietnam Resume Talk (=US and Vietnam Resume Talks) 美越恢复会谈 Radio, TV Coverage Widening ( = Radio and TV Coverage (is) Widening) 广播和电视覆盖率正在扩大 Gunfire, Explosions Rock Mumbai Hotel ( = Gunfire and Explosions Rock (a) Mumbai Hotel) Hotel) 孟买一家酒店遭炮火炸弹袭击
Add the missing word(s) to each of the headlines below and translate the headlines into Chinese. 1. Global Poll: Fashion Models “Too Thin” = A Global Poll: Fashion Models Are “Too Thin” 2. What Declining Registration Rate for Post-Grad PostExam Mean? = What Does the Declining Registration Rate for the Post-Grad Exam Mean? Post-
3. 3in 10 Mid-Life Couples Abandon Sex for Stress Midfrom Life =3in 10 Mid-Life Couples Abandon Their Sex for Midthe Stress from Life 4. Bush’s Approval Rating Plunges to New Low = Bush’s Approval Rating Plunges to a New Low 5. Great Wall at Top of “World’s New Seven Wonders” = The Great Wall Is at the Top of the “World’s New Seven Wonders”
6. Both Ends of Films to Be Shorthanded = Both Ends of Films Are to Be Shorthanded 7. Police Rush to Shut Down Performance by Underdressed Actresses = The Police Rush to Shut Down the Performance by the Underdressed Actresses 8. Lots of Fruit in Childhood Cuts Adult Cancer Risk = Lots of Fruit in One’s Childhood Cuts an Adult Cancer Risk
Girl of 18 Raped after Threat with Bread Knife 餐刀威胁下,18岁少女遭强暴 餐刀威胁下,18岁少女遭强暴 Van Goghs Recovered after Theft 樊高名画, 樊高名画,窃而复得 Father Jailed for Murder of Daughter 谋杀亲生女儿,父亲锒铛入狱
第一部分 文体概述
第一章 标题语言
第一节 标题的语法特点 第二节 标题的措词特点
第一节 标题的语法特点
1. 省略现象
(1) 冠词基本省略 (The) US Role in (a) New World 美国在新世界中的角色 (这是作者针对美国推翻塔利班政权后 角色重新定位而写的一篇评论标题。) 角色重新定位而写的一篇评论标题。) (A) Lightening Kills Golfer 高尔夫球手遭雷电身亡
(4)省略联系动词 )
Gates Still World’s Richest (=Gates (is) Still (the) World’s Richest) 盖茨仍为世界首富 Three Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas (=Three Are Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas) 吸入炉灶煤气三人窒息身亡 Clinton Inauguration Most Expensive Ever (=Clinton Inauguration (Is) Most Expensive Ever) 克氏就职典礼花费空前巨大