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Midterm examination for Microbiology (2006B)

姓名: 专业: 年级: 学号:

Ⅰ. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (选择题, 1.5 scores x 16):
Select the correct answer from the answers provided.
1. Which scientist is most responsible for finally laying the theory of spontaneous generation to rest?
A. Edward Jenner B. Robert Koch C. Martinus Beijerinck D. Louis Pasteur
2. Which of the following are prokaryotic?
A. bacteria B. archaea C. protists D. both a and b
3. An example of a glycocalyx is
A. a capsule B. pili C. outer membrane D. a cell wall
4. Which of the following is a primary bacterial cell wall function?
A. transport B. motility C. support D. adhesion
5. Which of the following is present in both gram-positive and gram-negative cell walls?
A. an outer membrane B. peptidoglycan
C. teichoic acid D. lipopolysaccharides
6. Bacterial endospores function in
A. reproduction B. survival C. protein synthesis D. storage
7. The major difference between a spirochete and a spirillum is
A. presence of flagella B. a cell with coils C. the nature of motility D. size
8. In general, fungi derive nutrients through
A. photosynthesis B. engulfing bacteria
C. digesting organic substrates D. parasitism
9. A hypha divided into compartment by cross walls is called
A. nonseptate B. imperfect C. septate D. perfect
10. A virus is a tiny infectious
A. cell B. living thing C. particle D. nucleic acid
11. The capsid is composed of protein subunits called
A. spikes B. protomers C. virions D. capsomers
12. The nucleic acid of a virus is
A. DNA only B. RNA only C. both DNA and RNA D. either DNA or RNA
13. An organic nutrient essential to an organism’s metabolism that cannot be synthesized itself is termed a/an
A. trace element B. micronutrient C. growth factor D. essential nutrient
14. Chemoautotrophs can survive on __ alone.
A. minerals B. CO2 C. minerals and CO2 D. methane
15. Which of the following is true of passive transport?
A. it requires a gradient B. it uses the cell wall
C. it includes endocytosis D. it only moves water
16. Active transport of a substances across a membrane requires
A. a gradient B. the expenditure of ATP C. water D. diffusion

Ⅱ. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS (名词解释, 2.5 scores x 12)
1. lysogeny and prophage 2. archaea
3. active transport 4. protoplast and spheroplast
5. heterocysts 6. selective media and differential media
7. zygospores 8. photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs
9. plaques 10. asexual spores and sexual spores of fungi
11. Eclipse period 12. outer membrane


Please choose 8 questions to answer
1. Compare the cell walls of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
2. Compare spirilla and spirochetes.
3. What are carbon sources? List some carbon sources commonly used by microbes
4. Describe the three domain system. Why do you think viruses are not included in the three domain system?
5. How do mold spores differ from prokaryotic endospores?
6. Describe 10 unique characteristics of viruses (can include structure, behavior, multiplication).
7. Name some functions of metallic ions in cells.)
8. What characteristics can be used to identify bacteria?
9. Describe Robert Koch’ s postulates.
10. List all the major prokaryotic structures and provide a brief description of the functions of each.

(英译汉,1 score x 6)
1. Vibrio cholerae
2. Bacillus anthracis
3. spirochetes
4. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
5. Staphylococcus aureus
6. mycorrhizal fungi
