商务现场口译答案Unit 13

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. Unit 13

P232 短语口译 2 提高盈利水平 4 外国直接投资和其他形式的投资 6 补偿贸易 8 外国直接投资 10 外国投资流入(中国) 1 发展商业 3 选择性资本 5 国际租赁 7 国际财团 9 外国投资目的地国 1 to attract foreign investment 3 domestic asset 5 joint capital 2 domestic investment 4 joint investment 6 overseas investment 7 utilization and control of foreign capital 8 investment environment 9 comparatively prosperous 10 anti-dumping P233 句子口译 1 到 1993 年底,该国在中国投资项目约 2000 个,合同金额 20 亿美元,实际投资 11 亿美元,占中国引进外商投资总额的 7.8%。 2 我公司厂房标准、设备齐全,技术力量雄厚、经验丰富,产品质量一流。 3 政府必须加快建立更多的外商投资服务的中介机构并为其配备人员,提升其服务功能。 4 从1994 年开始,中国大陆吸引外资的数量仅次于美国列举世界第二,中国成为世界上吸引外商直接投资最多的发展中国家。 5 我们的目的是通过信息共享促进合作发展,通过共同发展促进共同繁荣。 1 We undertook 19 projects that carried a total amount of RMB 1.15 billion yuan, and we signed new contracts amounting to RMB 1.69 billion yuan. 2 Strengthen cooperation in international trade and cuscoms attairs and serve exporters with enthusiasm. 3 China took nine measures to attract foreign investment in the western region. 4 We will attract more foreign investment through our functional advantages as well as continue to allow preferential terms. For this propose, we shall adopt more effective measrues and build up more favorable soft environment where all services will be civilized, efficient, clean, legalized, and internationally acceptable. 5 A business will certainly achieve great successes in the world market if it is indeed well managed, abound in economic resources, and ready to adapt to changes. P244 口译实践 1 一些发展中国家已经采取措施强迫跨国公司和当地的投资者结成合作伙伴,目的是为了能够牢牢地控制某些对自己有战略意义的重要行业和产品。 2 在商业模式特许经营权类别中,被特许经营者获得使用特许经营权人的企业名称和商业模式来经营的权力,快餐店连锁店就属于这一类,如麦当劳和肯德基。 3 贵方总裁和我们总经理就拟议中的合资项目坦率地交换了意见。

4 搞这个合资公司是个好主意,但问题是能否保证它可以得到足够的订单。

5 由于我们双方的共同努力和密切合作,1981 年的合同执行得非常顺利。 Unit 14 P250 短语口译 1 优惠政策 3 优越的投资环境 5 法律制度 2 税收制度 4 消费潜力

6 中美联合商贸委员会 8 不良资产 10 平衡的经济增长

7 世界经济发展高峰会 9 争端解决机制 1 get the green light 2 National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) 3 tax rebate 5 well-off society 7 tariff barrier 4 worldwide economy uniformity 6 New International Economic Order (NIEO)

8 conform to WTO spirits and agreements

9 deep-seated problems 10 stables and rapid economic growth without fluctuations P251 句子口译 1 我们认为只有所有的国家都接受国际贸易的责任,国际贸易这个复杂的系统才能维持下去。 2 致力开放的国际贸易是中国政府的一个重要政策。 3 我们的目标是

要促进国与国之间的共同繁荣,加深他们之间的联系。 4 遵守法律是我们所有贸易关系的基础,不管是双边的、地区的还是多国的。 5 对外开放政策不仅推动了中国的持续快速发展,也帮助了经济体系的重组。 1 The reform and opening-up policy was intruduced 20 years ago. China sticks to the policy and attaches great important to international trade. 2 China'entry to WTO brings more opportunities to its development but also poses many challenges too. 3 The mechanism of socialist market economy has been initially established. 4 We need to attract foreign investment, but we also have to introduce advanced technology, so that we can upgrade the quality and level of foreign investment. 5 We will continue to encourage foreign investment in China and will expand joint ventures'right in export and import. P260 句子口译 1 我们希望欧盟各国当局和贸易界人士采取措施,增加从中国进口化工产品,以便双方都能享受进出口贸易增长的好处。 2 我方将投资 49%,其中包括全部进口设备的费用以及来自我国母公司的工程师、技术人员和管理人员的费用。 3 我们要在平等有好的基础上,就广泛领域里的合作以及建立新的欧亚伙伴关系交换我们的意见。 4 我坚信业务会把我们联系起来并强化我们的关系,双方的差异就显得不重要了。 5 热力欢迎世界各地客商来华建立和发展贸易关系。 Unit 15 P267-268 短语口译 1 博览会 3 参展商情况5 参展程序 7 报名费 9 展出领域 2 商展 4 参展费用 6 报名 8 展台 10 展区 1 exhibition 3 freebies 5 theme zones 7 sponsor 2 reserve a spot/ booth 4 demo 6 organizer 8 overseas supporter 9 application procedures for holding exhibitions 10 make sale P268 句子口译 1 展销会期间,交通,海关清关和仓储对参展商都很重要。 2 每一个销售人员在产品介绍的时候都要注入自己的个性特点。 3 销售人员应该熟悉产品,这样才能尽可能地再交流过程中做到生动有力。 4 手机的型号越高,性能就更先进。 5 在两天的展销中,我们要实施一个全面的展销计划。 1 Thank you for the catalogues you sent to us, which we find very information. 2 I am sorry this product is already discontinued. 3 You should give a presentation of your products every one hour or two. 4 And at the same time, you could prepare some freebies. 5 What kind of product presentation is more attractive, the one before individual customers or a group? P270 Text B A: 第 20 届中国塑胶展销会将在 2006 年 4 月在上海新国际展览中心开幕。你能简单介绍一下今年中国塑胶展销会的一些基本情况吗? B:Sure. It’s Asia’s largest international exhibition for the plastic & rubber industries. Total exhibition area reaches over 90,000 sqm, enjoying a growth of 13,000 sqm. Eight theme zones are set up. A: 真不错,那有多少参展者会来展销会呢? B:Over 52,000 visitors come form over 79 countries and regions. A: 太好了。你能给我们介绍一下展位分配的情况吗? B:The exhibition area will be divided according to topics. The allocation of space will be assigned according to signed application forms accompanied by payment. A: 那展台的安排是否有先后顺序? B:Starting from August 2005, applications received will be handle on a first-come, first-served, space-available basis. A: 能介绍一下展位的情况吗? B:We offer two configurations. Based on your needs, choose the surface area best for you. For any specific request,
