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Where were Jamie’s parents? (P3)
Jamie’s mother was dead. His father had gone to sea and not come back.
What did the pie man’s customers look like? (P5)
抽了抽 战船 打盹儿 热腾腾的 起航 红头发的 屈起 人影 绊倒 灯笼;提灯 巡夜人
Lived on the streets 流落街头 Keeping an eye open for 密切注视 Bustle and talk 骚动喧哗之声 A shiver of fear ran up his spin. 他 怕得浑身一颤。 Leave my gentlemen in peace 别打 扰我的客人 Was about to wander back 正要溜达 回去 Trotting along with their heads 低着 头小跑
instructions 吩咐,指示 gangplanks(上下船用的)跳板,踏板 tar 沥青 clung to 靠在∙··上 Gulls 海鸥 voyage 航行 sharply 用力 gazed 扫视 stammered 结结巴巴地说 renamed 更名为
Move yourselves 快点 Squinted at 眯着眼睛看 Coming off the ships empty-handed 空着手下船的 The fine gentlemen 那些衣冠楚楚的绅 士们 You’ve done me a good turn 你可帮 了我的大忙 Had sailed round the world 完成了环 球旅行
Where did Jamie want to bring the drum to? (P49)
He would have to bring it back.
lanes 小巷 fiddled 摸索着 knot (绳)结 in disgust厌恶的
muttered 嘀咕了一声 grand 华丽 well made 做工精细
1588年7月22日晨英国舰队借着顺风,以“一条单长线”的 队型楔入西班牙舰队,由于先进的战术和灵活的机动性,没有 一艘船被西班牙陆军抢占,到7月25日西班牙已经损失了十分 之一的舰船,而英国方面则汇合了西莫尔勋爵的援军使舰船总 数达到136艘,7月28日晚,在德雷克等人的建议下,霍华德 下令采取古老的火船战术,(参看“赤壁之战”)西班牙舰队阵 脚大乱,无法保持队形,英舰趁机突击。从29日上午9时,到 下午6时,双方舰队在没有编队的情况下,互相混杂,三五成 群的对射,直到都没有炮弹为止,西班牙损失了近一半的船只 死伤1400人,英军则一船未沉且死伤不足百人,这就是史上 著名的英西大海战,自此以后,西班牙一蹶不振,英国逐渐取 代其成为海上的霸主,而德雷克则被封为英格兰勋爵,登上海 盗史上的最高峰。
Did anyone at The Pelican want to sea what Jamie got? (P55)
What did the sailors and the men in their rich clothes do when they heard Jamie play the drum? (P56)
odd curious harsh flinch
奇怪的 好奇 刺耳的 畏缩 loosened lumbering shudder rubbed slid in cautiously 放开了 笨重的 打哆嗦 揉揉 悄悄溜进 小心地
Out of sight 看不见 Catch their breath 歇口气 Darted a look at each other 迅速交换 了一下眼色 Still his gasping breath 平定急促的呼 吸 In the distance 在远处 Let out a long sigh 发出一声长叹 A scrap of 一点儿 Kept their backs turned 背转身体
Where did Jamie have a rest with the black bag? (P44)
Paragraph 1
What was in Байду номын сангаасhe black bag? (P44)
A drum.
What did the drum look like? (P49)
It was well made and brightly with little pictures.
spy spit squeezed squirmed break free wavery skidded clutching took off
探子 吐痰 大力将他摁住 扭动身体 挣脱 颤抖的 滑了一下 抓着 跑了
A scrap of a kid like that 那么一 点儿大的小崽子 Points of candle-light swum before his eyes (觉得)点点烛光在他眼前旋转 Hissed into his face 冲着他的脸压低嗓 门说 Lurched backwards 连忙向后闪 Froze in his tracks 呆住了
What did The Boar’s Head look like when Jamie came there again? (P31)
Paragraph 1
Why did Jamie’s hart gave a sudden jump ? (P10-11)
The last Paragraph
What happened to Jamie after he rolled onto the man? (P22-23)
Where did Jamie hide when the men chased him? (P26)
He came to a gap between two houses.
Paragraph 5.
Who were the two men(Jack & Tom) ? (P59)
Paragraph 6
Why was the drum so important ? (P60)
Paragraph 1.
弗朗西斯· 德雷克
1587年,西班牙对英宣战,积怨已久的两国终 于拔剑相向,但当时,英国海军还非常弱小, 仅有三十四艘战舰,根本无力与西葡联盟作战, 危机时刻,德雷克带领着25只海盗船赶到了。 沿着西班牙的海岸,德雷克在加的斯港外击沉 了36艘西班牙补给舰,接着又冲进加的斯港击 沉了33艘西班牙船只.
What did the watchman do after the tall man drop the stone into the sea? (P19)
Paragraph 2
twitched galleon dozing steaming set sail redheaded crooked figures stumbled lantern watchman
Paragraph 4
What did Jamie want to do for a mouth of pie? (P6-7)
He wanted to sing a song.
What did the innkeeper do to Jamie?(P10-11)
The last Paragraph of P10 & the first Paragraph of P11
Did anyone stumble or spille anything near The Pelican ? (P5)
When he was about to wander in to Plymouth town, what caught his eye? (P15-16)
Where they carrying something when the two men came out of The Pelican? (P18)
Lost them completely 把他们甩掉了 All that fuss for an old drum! 折腾了 半天,原来只为一面旧鼓! Thought about his night’s work 回想 着他这一晚的经历 That’s a risk I’ll have to take 我得冒 这个险
5月15日,德雷克舰队突袭里斯本附近 的舶锚地,在混乱中千百艘船只相撞沉 没,损失无以估量。接着,他又攻占了 圣维森特角要塞,扼住了地中海的咽喉, 在回国的路上,他又打劫了西班牙国王 菲利普二世的私人运宝船,抢到了价值 11万镑的财富。由于这一系列的行动, 战争至少延后了一年,从而为英国争取 到了宝贵的时间。
Jamie to mix food that the guests in the bar singing for the Spanish eat Spanish merchant advised him to move cargo to the pier to make money But he was too thin, unwanted him, and suddenly he found two suspicious people in moving parcels Jamie and spend tremendous track them throughout the parcel back Parcel is a drum jamie very helpless, that is not worth the money, wanted to split firewood when He was busy pounding the right to play on the pier The results are drake captain discovered, Captain glad Because this is the drums, the crew could only listen to win the war drums And the captain told jamie that two people should be the Spanish spy, steal drum to prevent pican No. departure, so the British lose