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The Anatomy of a Chemical Manufacturing Process 化工生产过程构成

The basic components of a typical chemical process(n过程;步骤;方法;工艺,vt 加工;处理) are shown in Fig.1, in which each block represents a stage in the overall process for producing a product from the raw materials. Fig.1 represents a generalized(无显著特点的,一般的) process; not all the stages(步骤;阶段) will be needed for any particular(特定的) process and the complexity of each stage will depend on the nature of the process. Chemical engineering design is concerned with the selection and arrangement(排列;安排)of the stages, and the selection, specification and design of the equipment required to perform(演出;执行;完成任务) the stage functions.

典型的化学工艺的基本构成示于图1., 在此图中,每一个方框表示从原料到加工成产品的全过程中的一个步骤。图1所示只是一般的情况,对于一个特定的工艺来说并非所有的步骤都是必需的,而且每一个步骤的复杂程度取决于生产过程的性质。化工设计所关注的是各步骤的选择与安排,以及完成各步骤的任务所需设备的选择、说明和设计。

Stage 1.Raw material storage-原始原料贮备

Unless the raw materials (also called essential materials, or feedstocks) are supplied as intermediate products (intermediates) from a neighboring plant, some provision(供应)will have to be made to hold(保持;把握;拥有;占据) several days, or weeks storage to smooth out fluctuations(波动)and interruptions(中断)in supply. Even when the materials come from an adjacent (邻近的)plant, some provision is usually made to hold a few hours, or even a few days, supply to decouple(断开;中断)the processes. The storage required will depend on the nature of the raw materials, the method of delivery(递送,发送,交货), and what assurance can be placed on the continuity of supply. If materials are delivered by ship (tanker or bulk carrier), several weeks stocks may be necessary; whereas(反之;然而;但是)if they are received by road or rail, in smaller lots(份额;一堆), less storage will be needed.


Stage 2. Feed preparation-进料预处理

Some purification, and preparation, of file raw materials will usually be necessary before they are sufficiently(足够地;充分地)pure, or in the right form, to be fed(应为feed)to the reaction satge. For example, acetylene generated by the carbide(碳化物;碳化钙;电石)process contains arsenical (砷的) and sulphur compounds, and other impurities, which must be removed by scrubbing (擦洗,使[气体]净化)with concentrated sulphuric acid (or other processes) before it is sufficiently pure for reaction with hydrochloric acid (此处有误,应为hydrochloride氯化氢) to produce dichloroethane. Liquid feeds will need to be vaporized before being fed to gas-phase reactors, and solids may need crushing(破碎), grinding(研磨)and screening(筛分).


Stage 3. Reactor 反应器

The reaction stage is the heart of a chemical manufacturing process. In the reactor the raw
