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1薛婕,周景博,丁凯,李宝娟.论环保产业绩效评估框架与指标体系构建[J],环境污染与防治,2013,35(11): 88-97.

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1 Leadership Coke rate (kg/thm) Gross margi n/tur no ver ratio Particulate matter stack

emissi on load (kg/tcs)

Nos. of fatal accide nts

2 Strategic pla nning and

resource man ageme nt

BF productivity Net profit/average capital


Perce nt utilisati on of total solid

wastes (%)

4E Chodakowska. Construction of the Environmental Performance Index Using DEA [J]. QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN ECONOMICS, 2014, 15(2) : 296- 306.

Accide nt freque ncy rate

3 Cost competitive ness Labour productivity Net profit/total in come or reve nue

Specific en ergy con sumpti on


Abse ntissm rate (% of

total man days avalible)

4 Man ageme nt tools Export tonn age ratio Inv estme nt in new processes and products (% of reve nues)

Specific raw material

con sumptio n (tonn es/tcs)

Nos. of employees trained

(man days/employee/year)

5 Inno vati on and kno wledge

man ageme nt

Defects (%) Turnover/lnven tory ratio Specific water con sumpti on


Expenditure on peripheral

developme nt

6 Tech no logy and Inv estme nt Special grades producti on

(%) of saleable steel

Specific carb on dioxide

emissi ons (kg/tcs)

Employee satisfacti on

7 Huma n resource man ageme nt New product developme nt

(% of saleable steel)

Specific effluent load (kg/tcs) Quality of life

8 Order gen erati on, market

developme nt and customer

satisfacti on

Market performa nee

(% in crease in domestic

share with previous year)

Specific refrigera nt

con sumptio n (kg/tcs)

Employme nt gen eratio n

9 Materials management Customer satisfaction index Specific power con sumpti on


Non-discrimi natio n,

diversity and opport unity

10 Research and developme nt Savings through suggesti ons

and QC projects (Rs/tcs)

Specific refractory con sumpti on

