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• ⑶view侧重指人从某处(窗户、高出、远处) 所看到的景色。 • 例:You can get a wonderful view at the top of the tower. • ⑷sight ①表风景时常用复数,指名胜风景 ; • ②场景(眼前看到的情况)a sad sight • ③视力 lose one’s sight (失明) • 例:The Great Wall is one of the sights of the world.
11. amount 大量的
• 修饰不可数名词a large amount of; a great deal of • 修饰可数名词a large number of • 既可修饰可数又可修饰不可数 plenty of ; lots of ;a large quantity of
• 例:In fact, a large amount of fresh water is wasted.
6. by accident
by accident= by chance 偶然地;意外地 反义词:on purpose I only found it by accident. 我只是碰巧找到的 run across 偶然遇到 happen to do 碰巧要做…
• • • • • •
7. spot
10. by accident =by chance 偶然地, 意外地
我只是碰巧找到 的。
I only found it by accident.
11. to be honest = to tell you the truth=honestly speaking 类似用法 : to be frank =frankly speaking坦率地说 我认为我们取胜的可能性不大。 To be honest, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.
易混辨析 scene / scenery / view / sight
• ⑴scene (C)指展现在眼前的某一具体、局 部的自然风景 • the happy scene of the children playing in the park • ⑵scenery(U)风景的总称,是由多个 scenes构成的。 • Guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery .
13. as for至于,讲到,关于
• as a matter of fact 事实上,其实 • as a result 结果,终于,因此 • as... as possible 尽可能地…… • as usual照例,照常 • as well as和……一样 • so as to 为的是
here? in the
5. go ahead
执行;进行,前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下 说;用吧;开始吧 • Despite the bad weather, the journey will go ahead.
• —Could I use your bike? • —Go ahead
ahead of time/in advance 提前 • go against违背;反对;不利于 • go around(疾病、消息)传播 • go after 追求 • go by 过去 • go out(火、灯等)熄灭;外出 • go over 复习;检查 • go through通过;遭受;经历;浏览 • go wrong 出毛病
9. seek (sought, sought)
• • • • • • vt. & vi. (寻找;探索;寻求 常用结构: seek (for/after) sth. /sb. 寻找某人/某物 seek to do sth. 试图做某事 seek … from sb. 向某人寻求某物 seek happiness/comfort/wealth/success • 追求幸福/安慰/财富/成功
• • 1)v. 照看,留心;介意… • mind sth. 当心某物 • mind (sb./one’s) doing sth. 介意某人干某 事Never mind 不要紧,没关系 • Would you mind my not telling the truth? •
• 2)n. 感知,思维和感觉的能力 • • have sth. in mind 想到,考虑到 • keep in mind 记住 • change one’s mind 改变主意 • make up one’s mind 下决心,做决定
2. scene
• n. 现场;情景;景色; (戏剧)一场 • 在现场:on the scene. • Our reporter was the first person on the scene.
• The small boats along the river bank make a beautiful scene.
• —Would you permit me • —Sorry. We don’t permit library. • A. smoking; smoking • B. to smoke; to smoke • C. smoking; to smoke • D. to smoke; smoking
Байду номын сангаас
12. take a chance 冒险
• =take changes \ a risk • give sb. a chance 给某人一次机会; • have a chance to do\of doing sth. 有机会做 • miss a chance 错过机会; The chance is ( that)... • The chances are that ...可能… • The chance is (that) she’s already heard the news.
10. by accident =by chance 偶然地, 意外地 I only found it by accident.
11. to be honest = to tell you the truth=honestly speaking 类似用法 : to be frank =frankly speaking坦率地说 我认为我们取胜的可能性不大。 To be honest, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.
10. patience
• 忍耐力;耐心 (U) • with patience表示“耐心地” • have no patience with…表示“对……无耐 心 • After waiting for half an hour, he was beginning to lose patience. • patient adj.有耐心的 n.病人 • be patient with sb,表示“对某人有耐心”。
3. bet n &v. 打赌,赌博
• make a bet with sb. on sth. • 跟某人就……打赌 • • I bet that... 我敢肯定 • I bet that he will fail in the exam. 我敢 肯定他考试不及格。
4. permit
• • • • • • • vt.&vi.许可;允许;准许 n. 通行证;许可证;执照 permit sb./sth. 允许某人/某事 We don’t permit pets in the classroom. permit sb. to do sth.= allow sb. to do sth. permit doing sth.=allow doing sth. (allow 可以和副词连用做宾补,permit 不可;permit 稍正式一些,多指上级对下级或长辈对晚辈的准许,语 气较强; allow多指听任或不管教某人做某事 ) • They don’t allow Lily out at night.
• take account of… • =take ...into account
• He could not account for his absence from school. • 他无法解释缺席的原因。
• On no account should any money be given to a small child.
• vt. 发现;认出 • n. 污点;斑点;地点 • spot sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 • on the spot = on the scene 当场,在现场 • be spotted with 被……点缀;满是斑点的
8. account
• n.账目(户);v. 解释,报导 • account for 对……做出解释;导致 • on account of 由于;因为 • on no account 绝不(位于句首时,句 子使用部分倒装)
Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note
1. bring up
• • • • • • • bring up 抚养;养育;教育;提出;呕吐 bring forward 提出(问题等) bring about 引起;导致 bring back 带回 bring in 引进;吸收;赚钱 She brought up five children. We will bring up this question at the next meeting.