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1.What did Amy do during her holiday?

A. B. C.

2.Where will the girl go this Sunday?

A. B. C.

3.What does Li Lei’s father do?

A. B. C.

4.Which bird does the woman like?

A B. C.

5.Who is the woman?

A. A teacher.

B. A student.

C. A visitor.

6. Does the man have enough money to buy the book in the end?

A. We don’t know.

B. Yes, he does.

C. No, he doesn’t.

7. When did the early bus leave?

A. At 6:25.

B. At 6:30.

C. At 6:35.

8. Who is Timmy calling?

A. Peter.

B. Tom.

C. Betty.

9. What does the bird look like?

A. It has broad wings and brown feathers.

B. It has white feathers and a long thin neck.

C. It has grey feathers and a forked tail.

10. What can they do in Yancheng Wetland Park tomorrow?

A. They can go birdwatching.

B. They can go fishing and have a picnic.

C. They can go birdwatching and have a picnic.

B)听对话和短文,回答问题。(听两遍) 听对话,回答第十一至十二题。

11. Why is Rose still sleeping?

A. Something is wrong with her.

B. She has nothing to do at home.

C. She didn’t sleep last night.

12. Where will the party be?

A. At Dick’s home.

B. In the park.

C. At Rose’s ho me.


Mary’s family

Father ● a(an) 13

● short and fat with short black hair

Mother ●a nurse with long golden hair

●can 14 well

Sister ● 15 years old

●wears glasses and l ikes playing sports

13. A. worker B. officer C. teacher

14. A. play sports B. sing and dance C. sing and skate

15. A.14 B.16 C.18


16. Whose house did the hole lead to?

A. A mouse’s.

B. The little m ouse’s.

C. The snake’s.

17. What were the snakes doing?

A. They were sleeping.

B. They were chatting.

C. They were eating.

18. How did the little mouse’s mother feel?

A. She felt sleepy.

B. She felt afraid of the snakes.

C. She wasn’t afraid of the snakes.

19. When did the story take place?

A. On a winter afternoon.

B. On an autumn morning.

C. On a winter morning.

20. What can we learn from the story?

A. Snakes never eat mice.

B. Snakes usually sleep in winter.

C. Mice like to live next to snakes.



21. — What do you think of ▲reserve you visited last week?

—It’s great. It is ▲ideal home for wildlife.

A. the; a

B. an; an

C. a; an

D. the; an

22.—What do you think of the film Dying to survive?

—It is one of ▲ films this year. I am deeply touched.

A. the more moved

B. the more moving

C. the most moving

D. the most moved

23.At present, our government is doing a lot to ▲ people hunting wildlife.

A. keep

B. prevent

C. protect

D. encourage

24.Which of the following words is pronounced /waɪld/?

A. wide

B. wh ile

C. wild

D. write

25.You’d better take a ▲ with you when you go birdwatching so that you can take photos of some

rare birds .

A. binocular

B. map

C. camera

D. notebook

26.There was too much traffic on the way. ▲ , I was two hours late for school.

A. Instead

B. Moreover

C. However

D. As a result

27.Thousands of college graduates are working in the countryside in China. And ▲ are

planning to.
