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中国旅行社行业面临的最大挑战就是市场竞争力弱,国外的旅行社一般都是大而且强,尤其是经营国际旅游的旅行业务相对集中在少数大的旅行社,并且形reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master: shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood

pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outside week artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electricweek artery puncture reset tube operation 2 artery blood 10 breathing machine using 10 electric except fibrillation and complex law 2 3. high requirements ( 1) disease and number of contracts number of disease syndrome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome more than 2 2 (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: clinical operations technical contract blood purification technique 2 people ... ... (1) the number of species and number of cases (?) gallstone 2 peptic ulcer .... 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration
