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1.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

(1)According to the passage, it is good habit to ______ when you are writing your email.

A. include all of your social network links

B. send your emails to all of your coworkers

C. use different font size to make the massage vivid

D. keep the subject line brief

(2)Which of the following statements might the author agree with?

A. The subject line is filled with Hey instead of being left blank.

B. Using capitals is acceptable when offering congratulations.

C. You are supposed to reply to only one person at a time.

D. Social network links should be included in your signature.

(3)In which of the following sentences does the phrase "cry wolf" is correctly used?

A. Economists are just crying wolf while actually the economic future is not so bad.

B. The government is always crying wolf and has never kept the promise to reduce taxes.

C. He cried wolf when he received a letter saying that his application had been rejected.

D. He just cried wolf in comforting her when he didn't know what had really happened.





(1)考查细节理解。根据左侧第一栏中的"make sure the hint is clear and concise"可知,要确保主题简洁清晰,故选D。

(2)考查推理判断。根据右侧最后一栏中的"You love all caps!!! That's nice, except you're effectively screaming from the screen. If you want to say CONGRATS, that's one thing,"可知,你喜欢用大写字母!这很好,除了你在屏幕上尖叫时,但如果你想说"恭喜",那是一回事,也就是说祝贺别人时可以使用大写字母,由此可知,在作者会同意在表示祝贺时可以使用大写字母,故选B。

(3)考查推理判断。根据右侧第二栏中的"in email speak, that's marking your message "urgent", when really ,it's not so much"可知,在邮件用语中,"狼来了"表示"邮件十分紧急,但实际上并没有那么急",故A: Economists are just crying wolf while actually the economic futur e is not so bad.“经济学家们只是在喊"狼来了",而实际上经济前景并没有那么糟糕”中的cry wolf使用正确。选A。



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