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Unit 1

1 Intel does it. So does Microsoft, Motorola, W. L. Gore & Associates, Southwest Airlines, Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Hewlett-Packard, Lincoln Electric, and Starbucks. What is it? These companies pursue “people-first” strategies.英特尔公司奉行它。微软、摩托罗拉、戈尔、西南航空公司、班杰瑞、惠普、林肯电气以及星巴克也都奉行它。它是什么?它就是这些公司所奉行的“以人为本”的策略。

(Para. 2a) There is an increasing amount of evidence that successful organizations put people first. Why? Astute managers have come to learn that their organization’s employees are its only true competit ive advantage. Competitors can match most organizations’ products, processes, locations, distribution channels, and the like.越来越多的例子证明,成功的组织都是以人为本的。为什么?因为精明的经理人们已经认识到他们企业的员工才是它们唯一真正的竞争优势。竞争者可以在产品、工艺、选址、销售渠道等诸多方面与其不相上下,

(Para. 2b)But what’s far more difficu lt to emulate is a workforce made up of highly knowledgeable and motivated people. The characteristic that differentiates successful companies from their less successful counterparts in almost every industry is the quality of the people they’re able to get and keep.但却很难效仿的是拥有一支由专业素质高和工作动机强的人组成的劳动力队伍。几乎在所有的行业,那些成功的公司之所以超越它们的对手们,主要的区别就在于他们所能够得到和留住想要的人。

(Para. 3a) What kind of practices differentiate people-first organizations? We can list at least four: (1) They value cultural diversity. They actively seek a diverse workforce based on age, gender, and race. (2) They are family friendly. They help employees balance work and personal responsibilities through programs such as flexible work schedules and on-site child care facilities. 哪些做法才能区分以人为本的公司呢?我们至少可以列出四条:第一,它们重视文化的多样性。它们根据年龄、性别和种族积极寻求一支多元化的员工队伍。第二,它们具有家庭氛围。公司通过为其员工提供灵活的工作时间以及现场托儿服务设施等帮助员工平衡工作和个人职责之间的关系。

(Para. 3b)(3) They invest in employee training. These organizations spend heavily to make sure employee skill levels are kept current. This not only ensures that employees can handle the latest technologies and processes for the organization but that employees will be marketable to other employers. (4) People-first organizations empower their employees. They push authority and responsibility down to the lowest levels.第三,它们对员工培训进行投资。这些公司花费巨资以确保员工的技能水平始终保持最新状态。这不仅确保员工可以处理该公司的最新技术和工艺,而且还使这样的员工极具市场竞争力。第四,以人为本的公司将权力下放给员工。它们将权力和义务下放到公司的最底层。

(Para. 4) Organizations that put people first have a more dedicated and committed workforce. This, in turn, translates into higher employee productivity and satisfaction.


These employees are willing to put forth the extra effort — to do whatever is necessary to see that their jobs are done properly and completely. Let’s take a look at one of those successful organizations that pursue “people-first” strategies: Starbucks.

