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There is no gender difference in mathematical ability


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Abstract:People usually think that women's mathematical ability less than men, for a long time, women's performance in the field of mathematics did show lower than men. What causes the appearance of this phenomenon? Women's math skills are really worse than men do? In recent years, many domestic and foreign research aimed at whether the gender difference in mathematical inquiry ability caused by physiological differences. It was found, resulting in the difference, not the physical characteristics and mathematical subject characteristics, but due to social factors. The bias of social long-term patriarchal ideology and despise women, did not provide women an equal opportunity to access to education. So women compared to men with less opportunities to purser higher mathematics education .In addition the threat of social stereotypes of women's mathematical ability is also an important factor. Stereotypes have prejudice that Men are good at math, women are good at language, serious damage to women's sence of belonging and women’s representatio in mathematics. A growing number of studies have shown that there is no relationship between gender and mathematical ability, as long as the provide more equal treatment to women, and to eliminate the threat of stereotype, the performance of women in mathematics will certainly improve. Keywords: math achievement, sex differences,social factors,Stereotype threat,sense of belonging


To write this review is out of my curiosity about this phenomenon of female math ability lower than men.Does the widely circulated, really have actual evidence?So that find a lot of girls and math skills related to the paper for a detailed reading.Finally found a reasonable explanation of this phenomenon.

Due to historical and social reasons caused the bias of long-term "patriarchal" thought and contempt of women. In slave society and feudal society, the gate of the school for women was closed.long-term feudal system and long-term discrimination against women's history, buried numerous female mathematical talent, female scientists talents(Ling Shengzhi,2010)

Secondly is a stereotype, stereotype is refers to the general cognitive structure

namely “pictures in our heads”But this "image" in the minds is different to what we now call the schema, it is us errors and biases ideas to the world, that is those who in fact is not correct, non rational, stereotypical stubborn Stereotype,which is a common cognitive phenomenon throughout our daily life,is also a remarkable research focus in the field of sociology. Gender stereotype, which is a very important content, has many topics, one of which is gender-math stereotype(Yan Peiling,2009)

Sense of belonging to math—one’s feelings of membership and acceptance in the math domain—was established as a new and an important factor in the representation gap between males and females in math.(Aneeta Rattan an& Carol S. Dweckstudents’2012) Perceptions of 2 factors in their math environment—the message that math ability is a fixed trait and the stereotype that women have less of this ability than men—worked together to erode women’s, but not men’s, sense of belonging in math.Their lowered sense of belonging, in turn, mediated women’s desire to pursue math in the future and their math grades.

So "mathematics ability, gender differences' 'discrimination, women's and men's different psychological, physiological characteristics and mathematical subject characteristics, not the reason of gender differences between men and women.social factors is the main reason Lead to gender differences in math.


There is no difference in physiological structure.

Some people have done "the study of gender differences in junior high school mathematics learning",(Yi Zhao,2013)A questionnaire Was conducted with the students of the same grade in junior middle school for the basic information of the both gender in math learning.their idea,interest,attitude and meta cognition ability, etc.Interview with some students,the green hand,the experienced and the expert in teachers.It is later discovered that interest is the basis of learning math well.Boys prefer deduction and girls excel in calculation and detail.Teachers prefer to discuss math problems with boys but they deny any gender difference in math competence.Although This phenomenon is more prominent in the middle school that Girls fear of mathematics, the performance of mathematics learning anxiety is more prominent, teachers and parents also formed the boys learn math more "live", more staying power, girls learn math more consciously, obedient, but give a three "ability is poor, learning rigid stereotypes .

Difference in math learning:the gender difference in brain development, hormone level,pubertal development,memory and thinking ,cognitive performance in math,and the
