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Organization of a paper
• • • • • • • Title, authors and abstract Introduction Materials and methods Results Conclusion and discussion References, Figures and Tables Others: key words, running title, acknowledgement * Which part is the most important and why?
Scientific writings for successful publications
Editor: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Topics to be covered
• Scientific papers and thesis projects • Procedures on how to write and publish scientific papers • Peer-review of submitted papers and response • Assignment of individual projects
Materials and methods: I
• Provide enough details so that other scientists can reproduce the work • Describe the experimental design • Describe the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study • Describe the methods to collect and organize the data • Explain the statistical methods and evaluation procedures
Materials and methods: population survey
• • • • Explain the matching of cases and controls Describe the exclusion and inclusion criteria Describe the development of the questionnaire Describe the approval of the study protocol and the consent (同意)from volunteers and the interview process • Describe the organization and analysis of the data
• A well-written scientific project is the major part of the scientific paper • By developing and doing an excellent research project • By keeping excellent record of the work and the data • By being innovative and willing to make changes
Title of the paper
• Title must be concise, informative and attractive; e.g. i) Development of an assay to detect breast cancer in the early stages; or ii) An innovative assay for early breast cancer detection
• A concise summary of the currently accepted knowledge on the subject and supporting data (up to date) • What is the information gap and importance of the missing knowledge • What is the hypothesis for the study • What is the plan of the investigation and the use of correct techniques • Introduction should be about 2 pages
Why it is important to publish the paper?
• • • The work has never been done before The work is exciting and attractive The work solves an important scientific problem The paper contains statistically significant data The paper will make me famous!
Criteria on how to write the paper (what the readers ask)
• • • • • • • What did you do? How did you do it? What do you mean? What are the observations? Are the data acceptable? What is new? Is the study important and useful?
Why do you want to publish papers?
The feeling at the beginning of writing a scientific paper (or thesis)
How to avoid the bad feeling?
How to prepare an excellent scientific publication?
• A concise summary of the entire paper; 200 – 500 words • Attract readers to read the rest of the paper, especially the first 2-3 sentence • A single paragraph or into subsections • 2 sentences for the background, 1 for hypothesis, 2 on experimental plan, 2-3 on methods, < 10 on results and 2 on conclusion.
Consider the first two sentences of two abstracts
• Infection with H6N9 is an emerging infectious disease and it is very deadly. Based on survey of infected patients, we have identified a new infectious pathway ……… • Cigarette smoking is the main cause for lung cancer but its damage to the developing embryo is unknown. We have identified the molecular damage to these cells. ………
Results: II
• Experimental results may not be presented in the sequence of how the results were collected but presented to build an excellent story • Some results may not be included because they do not fit into the focus of the current paper (without cheating) • Conflicting information and outliers should be presented and explained
Important points to consider
• Readers (reviewers) may select any sections to read, e.g. Discussion, therefore each section must be well-written and somewhat self-sufficient • Write down the important topics to be covered by each section

Understand the specifics about the paper
• Types of work in the paper: epidemiology, laboratory investigation, cancer, disease prevention, etc. • What are unique about the paper: Originality (独创), innovative (创 新)techniques, solving important scientific questions, useful contribution (贡献) to human health
Selection of a journal for publication
• Match the aim of the journal with the paper: epidemiology, toxicology, cancer • Check the quality of published papers and Impact Factor • Review the author‟s instructions and review criteria • Time taken for publication • Who are on the Editorial Board • Recommend reviewers or reject certain reviewers
• Those who have made contributions to the study and to writing the paper • Who should be the first author? Usually the student who does most of the work • Who should be the corresponding or last author? Usually the one who designed the study, supervised the work and/or provided the resources
Results: I
• Provide a brief overview of the project, e.g. a survey of 1000 cancer patients • Describe specific observations, e.g. age, smoking habits, cancer types, association analysis. • Describe specific cases, if helpful, and explain the outliers • Use Tables and Graphs to highlight the results but do not duplicate information