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Unit 1 little(比较级)______2. people (复数)_____3. fly (过

去式)________ 4. she will (缩写)_____5. will not (缩写)

____ 6. pleasant (反义词)__7. possible (反义词)____8. few

(比较级)_______9. many (比较级)_______10. much(比较级)


(过去式) ______ (过去式)

______ (过去式) ______ (过去式) ______ (过去式) ______ (过去式) ______ (同义) ______

19..pollute(名词) ______ (复数)

______ (同义词) ______ (指人)

______ (同义词______ 1.

爱上_______2. 实现______3. 各种

各样的_______4. 过时了___5. 与...争辩_______ 6. study at home ____7. be crowded______ 8. fewer trees__________9. in ten years_______ 10. live to be 100 years of ______ the future_

_____ 13.太空站14.某一天

______ 15.上大学______ computer ______ Unit2.loud(副词)_2. wrong(反义)

_3. could(原形)__4. surprise(形

容词)__5. either(反义)__6. nice (比较级)__7. push(形容词)_8.

they(反身代词)___9. could not(缩写)__10. cheap (同义)_(名词)

______ (名词) ______ (过去式)

______ (名词) ______ (过去式) ______ (反义) ______ (反义) ______ (过去式) 二、翻译短语1.与...吵架_2. 索要__

_3. 向....借___4. 讨论... __5.

不让...进入___6. 过时了___7. 为...付款,赔偿__8. 给....买.... 9.

寻找___10. 为....而准备__11. 与...相处融洽__12. 各种各样的 13. 在

一方面...,在另一方面,... ___14. 做....的时间到了__15抱怨...__16.

足够的钱___17. What's wrong___18. call 19. write sb. a letter=write a letter to sb___20. the same as _

_21. by oneself __22. not .... until....___23. as soon as possible

__24. as much as possible__25. take part in ___26. under too much pressure_27. be like__28. be always doing sth.__29. have a fight with_

_ sb not to do sth__ the phone__

job__ style__34compare...

surprised at__ piece of advice__

sb to do sth_ sb doing sth__'s adj for sb to do sth__ Toms__

Unit 3 cut (过去式)______2. cut(现

在分词)______3. bought(原形)

_______4. get(过去式)_____5. get(现

在分词)_____ 6. while(近义词)____7. close (形容词)________8. around(同

义词)____9. strange(名词)_____10. meet(过去式)______11. happen(同义词组)_____ 12. kid(现在分词______13. hear(过去式)_____14. bright(副词)

_____15. ring(过去式)______16. tell (过去式)____17. silence(形容词)

______ 18. mean(名词)______19. hero (复数)______ 20. recent(副词)过去


去式)形容词)名词)名词)_____1.在.....前面__________ 2. 从...出来

______3. 起飞_________4. 到达______.

跳下来______ 6. 跑开_______7. 相互

_______8. 进入... _______9. 听说

____________10. 发生_________11.睡懒觉

______12. cut one's hair_______13.非同

凡响的经历_________14. be

amazing________15. be kidding_______16. in silence______17. have meaning

to________18. a national hero____19. for the first time_______20. outside

the station____________21.地球 22.和...不一样______ 23.例如______ 24对...大

喊______ 25.在医务室______ 26.全世

______ 27.报警______ 28.拍照______ 29.

很高兴做某事______ 30紧接______ 31.在

太空______ 32.报社记者______

Unit 4 .well(比较级)______


(副词)(同义短语)(最高级)_____ 6. send(过去式)_ (形容词)(反义词)

____9. danger(形容词)______10. dicision(动词)______11. thin(反义

词)_____ 12. thin(比较级)_____ 13. will(过去式)1.对.....非常愤怒 _____ 2. 惊喜聚会 _______ 3. 首先 _____. 把...传给... ______5. 在....做得好

_____ 6. 身体健康的______7. 年终考试

______8. 成绩报告单____9. 变疯_____10. 克服,恢复______ 11.高于海平面 _____12

作出决定_____13.打开____ 14. 处于危险

中____ 5. 在...和...之间 _____ _16. 一

天三次 _____17. 把...派到...__ __18.

中国少先队_____19. 照顾______ 20. 再也

不______ supposed to ______ a message_
