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Garage sales are popular at present,but you need to keep an eye on those things and make sure that you don't fall prey to bad deal.We’ve brought you a list of items that you should stay away from at all times at a garage sale.

Item 1:Anything related to safety during sporting activities.

If you are new to adventure sports and want to save money on equipment like helmets,wet suits,climbing gears,etc.,you may go shopping at garage sales.However,remember that buying equipment which has been used takes a lot of risks,because the new buyer is unaware of its possible damage.To be safe,buy new equipment or rent it from stores.

Item 2:Anything related to babies.

Baby care items are certainly expensive and that’s why used goods are useful to most young parents.However,as a responsible parent,you will surely consider this a lot before making a decision.For example,stuffed toys may carry the bacteria,so you need to keep in mind that they may bring a health risk to your children.

Item 3:Anything that you sleep on.

Bedding items are a good place for all kinds of harmful insects.While garage sales may offer some tempting bargains,it is wise to stay away from them.If you really need to buy these,you must check on them thoroughly.

Item 4:Anything that requires a perfect fit.

Shoes tend to take the shape of the wearer’s feet after a while.So even if you see a pair of shoes that is of the same size as yours,it may not fit you well. It is also recommended that you should give old clothes a miss.

Garage sales are a lot of fun,as we all know.However,don’t be charmed(迷惑)into buying something that you are unsure of.And save yourself from being at the receiving end of a raw deal.(不公平的买卖)

1. Why shouldn’t people buy sports equipment at garage sales?

A.It is out of date.B.It can’t be tried in advance.

C.It may have potential problems.D.It is easy to get broken.

2. The underlined phrase “fall prey to” in Paragraph 1 means_____.

A.care for B.worry about C.suffer from D.agree on

3. Stuffed toys and bedding items offered at garage sales________.

A.don’t have their buyers B.are good places for insects

C.are cheaper than other items D.may do harm to users’ health

4. From the passage we know that___________.

A.most young parents enjoy shopping at garage sales

B.garage sales attract few visitors though they are fun

C.garage sales may not be a good choice for buying shoes

D.sports equipment should be forbidden at garage sales


Not many things in life can be more irritating: you are having a conversation with friends, but they check their phones and begin replying to texts or checking their emails. The Guardian (卫报)described th e scene of a friend’s face buried in a screen as “a distinct 21st-century problem”. A new word has been created to describe this --- phubbing. It is the act of looking at your mobile phone instead of paying attention to others during a social interaction. Like pointing at one’s nose, phubbing is widely considered rude behavior. People everywhere are beginning to lose patience with the phenomenon.

A “Stop Phubbing” campaign group has been started in Australia and at least five others have sprung up in i ts wake as anger about the lack of manners grows. The campaign’s creator, Alex Haigh, 23, from Melbourne, said, “A group of friends and I were chatting when someone raised how annoying being ignored by people on mobiles was.” He has created a website where companies can download posters to discourage phubbing.

Phubbing is just one symptom of our increasing dependence on mobile phones and the Internet, which is replacing normal social interaction. A survey found that one out of three Britons would answer the phone in a restaurant and 19% said they would while being served in a shop. The survey came after a supermarket assistant in south London refused to serve a woman until she stopped using her phone. A poll, for a Sunday paper, also found that 54 per cent of people checked Facebook, Twitter or other social media every day, with 16 per cent checking more than ten times a day. An unsurprising 63 per cent of people carry their phone with them “almost all, or all of the time”, it found.

Phil Reed, a professor of psychology at Swansea University who has studied the Internet addiction disorder, said many phubbers show symptoms of addiction to their mobile phones.

Time magazine once pointed out, “Phubbing has a much greater potential harm to real-life connections by making people around us feel like we care more about posts than their presence.”

In the UK, Glamour magazine even imagined how novelist Jane Austen (1775-1817) would have written about people with bad mobile phone manners: “It is a truth universally ackno wledged that a single man or woman in possession of a good mobile phone must be in want of manners.”

5. Phubbing has come about because _______.

A. distrust has already been everywhere among people

B. the friendship between people is becoming fragile

C. people are getting dependent on attraction online

D. there has been a lack of means of communication

6. Which of the statements is TRUE about the “Stop Phubbing” campaign?

A. It was first started in America and then it spread to Melbourne.

B. Companies can update posters against phubbing on the website.
